De sidste tre år af sit liv skrev
Heinrich Hertz (1857-1894) en
bog med titlen: "Prinzipien der Mechanik in neuem Zusammenhange
dargestellt". Heri præsenterer han et nyt fundament for
mekanikken. Fra et fysisk synspunkt er fundamentet nyt fordi det
ikke opererer med kræfter eller energi som fundamentale
Matematisk set er det nyt fordi det formuleres i termer af en riemannsk
geometri på konfigurationsrummet. Endelig
indeholder bogen en indflydelsesrig filosofisk indledning hvori
Hertz forklarer fysiske teorier som mentale billeder af den ydre
Jesper Lützen har netop udgivet bogen
J. Lützen,
Images in Geometric Form. Oxford University Press 2005
OBS The lecture will be given
in English: Mathematics and Physics. A Forceless Geometric Image
of Nature: Heinrich Hertz's Principles of Mechanics.
Her er Jespers engelske resumé:
Mathematics is often described as a formal construction of the human
mind whose
applicability to nature is unreasonable. This may be a philosophically
tenable position.
However, from a historical point of view it striking that many
mathematical disciplines
have been developed in an attempt to understand the world arround us,
in particular in
connection to physics. As an example, I shall tell the story of how
non-Euclidean and
Riemannian Geometry was developped as a means to understand physical
space, and how they
were put forward as a qualitative frame for understanding physics and a
formalism for mechanics. In particular I shal explain how Lipschitz and
Darboux geometrized
Hamiltonian mechanics and how Hertz gave mechanics a new foundation
formulated in terms of
what he called geometry of systems of points.