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“People think they don't understand math, but it's all about how you explain it to them. If you ask a drunkard what number is larger, 2/3 or 3/5, he won't be able to tell you. But if you rephrase the question: what is better, 2 bottles of vodka for 3 people or 3 bottles of vodka for 5 people, he will tell you right away: 2 bottles for 3 people, of course.”

– Israel Gelfand (1913 - 2009).


Research talks



Title of talk

December 16, 2024
Graph Algebras - Operator algebras that one can see
Midterm meeting, Online workshop
Noncommutative metric geometry
December 3, 2024
SDU Operator Algebra Seminar
University of Southern Denmark
Quantum metrics from length functions on quantum groups
May 12, 2023
NSeaG 2023 Workshop: Noncommutative Geometry and Operator Algebras
Hausdorff Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany
Finiteness of metrics on state spaces
January 17, 2023
Operator algebras that one can see - Kick-off meeting
Online workshop
Current trends in non-commutative metric geometry
December 13, 2022
Seminar at Stockholm University
Stockholm, Sweden
An introduction to quantum metrics on q-deformed spaces
September 29, 2022
Noncommutative geometry: metric and spectral aspects
Krakow, Poland
Quantum metric structures on q-deformed spaces
May 30, 2022
Noncommutative Geometry Along the North Sea 2022
The Lorentz Center, Leiden, The Netherlands
An introduction to compact quantum metric spaces
May 11, 2022
The North Atlantic NCG Seminar
Online seminar
The non-commutative metric geometry of quantum SU(2)
March 15, 2022
Noncommutativity in the North - A Marcus Wallenberg Symposium
University of Gothenburg, Sweden
The Podleś spheres converge to the sphere
March 11, 2022
KU-SDU Operator Algebra Meeting
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
The Podleś spheres converge to the sphere
June 16, 2021
The Noncommutative Geometry Seminar (online)
European node of The Global Noncommutative Geometry Seminar
Quantum Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of Podleś spheres
May 25, 2021
Functional analysis seminar (online)
Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon, France
Quantum Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of Podleś spheres
March 2021
Oberseminar Free Probability (online)
Saarland University
An overview of L2-Betti numbers for quantum groups
January 2021
Noncommutative Geometry Along the North Sea
Online conference
Quantum Gromov-Hausdorff convergence of Podleś spheres
December 2020
Quantum Groups Seminar (online)
University of Copenhagen
Dynamics of quantum metric spaces
September 2020
UK Virtual Operator Algebras Seminar
Online seminar
An introduction to Compact Quantum Metric Spaces
October 2019
Mathematics seminar
SDU, Odense, Denmark
Dynamics of quantum metric spaces
May 2019
Mathematics seminar
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Uniqueness questions for C*-norms on group rings
January 2019
Operator Algebras and their Applications VI
IPM, Tehran, Iran
Uniqueness questions for C*-norms on group rings
October 2018
Mathematics seminar
SDU, Odense, Denmark
Uniqueness questions for C*-norms on group rings
June 2018
Mathematics seminar
Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany
Measure equivalence for locally compact groups
June 2018
Mathematics seminar
Technische Universität Dresden, Dresden, Germany
Measure equivalence for locally compact groups
March 2018
Mathematics seminar
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Measure equivalence for locally compact groups
May 2017
Mathematics seminar
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
L2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
April 2017
Mathematics seminar
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
L2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
January 2017
Danish-Norwegian Workshop on Operator Algebras
Lysebu, Oslo, Norway
L2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
January 2017
Mathematics seminar
University of Leuven, Belgium
L2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
October 2016
Mathematics seminar
University of Glasgow, UK
L2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
October 2016
Mathematics seminar
SDU, Odense, Denmark
L2-Betti numbers of universal quantum groups
May 2016
NCGOA 2016
Hausdorff Institute, Bonn, Germany
Polynomial cohomology for locally compact groups
March 2016
Mathematics seminar
SDU, Odense, Denmark
Topologizing Lie algebra cohomology
March 2016
Mittag-Leffler institute
Stockholm, Sweden
Topologizing Lie algebra cohomology
February 2016
Mathematics seminar
University of Götttingen, Götttingen, Germany
Polynomial cohomology for locally compact groups
November 2015
The Uffe Haagerup Symposium
SDU, Odense, Denmark
Continuity properties for derivations into affiliated operators
March 2015
Mathematics seminar
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
Polynomial cohomology for locally compact groups
May 2014
Operator Spaces, Locally Compact Quantum Groups and Amenability,
Fields Institute, Canada
Amenability for dense subalgebras in finite von Neumann algebras
April 2014
Mathematics seminar
Ruhr-Universität, Bochum, Germany
L2-Betti numbers for groups and their cross section equivalence relations
December 2013
Danish-Norwegian Operator Algebra Workshop
Schæffergaarden, Gentofte, Denmark
Continuity properties for derivations into affiliated operators
July 2013
Von Neumann Algebras and Measurable Group Theory
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
L2-Betti numbers for groups and their cross section equivalence relations
May 2013
DYGEST Corfu meeting 2013
Corfu, Greece
L2-Betti numbers for groups and their cross section equivalence relations
May 2013
Analysis seminar,
University of Glasgow, Glasgow, Scotland UK
Continuity properties for derivations into affiliated operators
February 2013
Mathematics seminar
University of Götttingen, Götttingen, Germany
L2-Betti numbers for groups and their cross section equivalence relations
February 2013
Operator algebra seminar
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium
L2-Betti numbers for groups and their cross section equivalence relations
October 2012
Operator algebra seminar
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Amenability for dense subalgebras in finite von Neumann algebras
September 2012
Operator algebra seminar
University of Southern Denmark
Amenability for dense subalgebras in finite von Neumann algebras
June 2012
Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Groups
University of Oslo, Norway
Amenability for dense subalgebras in finite von Neumann algebras
March 2012
Operator algebra seminar
KU Leuven, Belgium
Amenability for dense subalgebras in finite von Neumann algebras
March 2012
PhD colloquium
KU Leuven, Belgium
What are... L2-Betti numbers?
December 2011
Danish-Norwegian Operator Algebra Workshop
Lysebu, Oslo, Norway
Continuity properties for derivations into affiliated operators
September 2011
Operator algebras and Quantum groups
IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland
Amenability for dense subalgebras in finite von Neumann algebras
March 2011
Noncommutative geometry seminar
IMPAN, Warsaw, Poland
Property (T) and exotic quantum group norms
January 2011
Operator algebra seminar
Universite Denis-Diderot (Paris 7), France
Quantum groups and the Kaplansky conjecture
January 2011
Seminaire Geometrie
Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, Paris, France
Quantum groups and the Kaplansky conjecture
September 2010
Quantum Groups and Noncommutative Geometry
CIRM, Luminy, France
Property (T) and exotic quantum group norms
September 2010
University of Copenhagen
Property (T) and exotic quantum group norms
January 2010
Von Neumann algebras and group actions
University of Copenhagen
An introduction to quantum groups
November 2009
Algebra seminar
University of Glasgow, Scotland
Quantum groups and the Kaplansky conjecture
September 2009
Mathematics seminar
Hausdorff Research Institute for Mathematics, Bonn, Germany
An introduction to quantum groups
September 2009
QSNG Mid Term Review and Conference
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
An L2-Künneth formula for tracial algebras
June 2009
Conference on Operator Algebras
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Quantum groups and the Kaplansky conjecture
March 2009
Operator algebra seminar,
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
Quantum groups and the Kaplansky conjecture
December 2008
Danish-Norwegian workshop on Operator Algebra
Lysebu, Oslo, Norway
Quantum groups and the Kaplansky conjecture
November 2008
Operator Algebraic Aspects of Quantum Groups
KU Leuven, Belgium
L2-invariants for quantum groups
June 2008
Operator algebra seminar
University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark
L2-invariants for quantum groups
May 2008
PhD defense
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
L2-invariants for quantum groups
April 2008
Øresundssymposium on NCA and NCG
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Følners condition for quantum groups
February 2008
Workshop on NCG
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Følners condition for quantum groups
December 2007
Operator algebra seminar
Fields Institute, Toronto, Canada
L2-invariants for quantum groups
January 2007
Sedano Winter School on K-theory
Universidad de Valladolid, Sedano, Spain
A classical result from group-homology in a II1 factor setting
December 2006
NCG seminar
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
L2-invariants for quantum groups
August 2006
Operator algebra seminar
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
L2-invariants for quantum groups

Dissemination talks



Title of talk

September 2021
Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening
SDU, Denmark
Komplekse tal
March 2019
Georg Mohr Vinderseminar
Astra*, Sorø
November 2018
Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening
SDU, Denmark
Komplekse tal
February 2017
Regionsmøde for gymnasielærerne i Nordjylland
Aalborg, Denmark
November 2016
Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening
SDU, Denmark
Komplekse tal
April 2015
Ungdommens Naturvidenskabelige Forening
SDU, Denmark
Lidt om uendelighed
March 2014
Georg Mohr Vinderseminar
SDU, Denmark
Kardinaliteter og uendelighed
March 2014
Vejen Gymnasium
Kardinaliteter og uendelighed
January 2014
Regionsmøde for gymnasielærerne i Sønderjylland
Varde Gymnasium, Denmark