.. _linux_ssh: Remote Access via SSH (to the IMADA Computer Lab) ================================================= The "``ssh``" (Secure Shell) program makes it possible to make encrypted connections to other (Linux) computers. The basic usage is to get command line access on remote machines (for example in the :ref:`IMADA Computer Lab `), but it can do much more, like facilitating file transfers through the "``scp``" and "``rsync``" commands, and proxying network traffic through other computers. - `How Secure Shell Works (SSH) `__, Computerphile on Youtube. The basic command is:: ssh username@hostname The IMADA Computer Lab machines are not accessible directly from the internet, so you will either need to be physically on SDU on the eduroam network, or enable the `SDU VPN `__. Once on the right network, you can connect to one of the lab machines. They each have a name on the form "``imadaX.stud-srv.sdu.dk``" where "``X``" is a number between 0 and 3. For example:: ssh myUsername@imada3.stud-srv.sdu.dk If you use the machines often, it can be bothersome to type this all the time, so we can make an SSH configuration file which simplifies it. If the folder "``~/.ssh``" does not exist, create it. Then create/open the file "``~/.ssh/config``", and fill in something similar to the following:: Host imada0 User myUsername HostName imada0.stud-srv.sdu.dk Host imada1 User myUsername HostName imada1.stud-srv.sdu.dk Host imada2 User myUsername HostName imada2.stud-srv.sdu.dk Host imada3 User myUsername HostName imada3.stud-srv.sdu.dk To connect to machine 3 you can now use "``ssh imada3``". Further, by generating and copying keys, it is possible to avoid having to type your password, see :ref:`imada-ssh-key`. See :ref:`imada-comp-lab` for more information on the IMADA Computer Lab.