List of (Semi-)Common Linux Commands

Getting help (besides Googling):

  • man: shows the manual pages of a command, use q to quit it, use / to go to search mode. After typing something to search for, press Enter and then use n (or N) to go to the next (or previous) occurrence.

  • --help: a flag for most commands, used to give a description of the command and its flags (e.g. touch --help).

Basic navigation, file handling, and terminal usage:

  • pwd: print name of current/working directory.

  • ls: list directory contents.

  • ls -a: also hidden files.

  • cd: change directory.

  • mkdir: make a new directory in current directory.

  • rmdir: remove empty directory .

  • rm: remove files.

  • rm -r: remove directory and the files contained in it (recursively).

  • cp: copy a file or directory.

  • mv: moves files and directories, can also be used to rename files (“move a file to a new name``).

  • tab: auto complete commands, flags, files, folders, flags, … almost anything.

  • touch: create an empty file, or update modification timestamp on a file.

  • chmod: change permissions for a file, such as read and write access.

  • locate: locate files/folders (may not be installed as default). Requires running updatedb reqularly to update the search index.

  • find: find files/folders in the current working directory or subdirectories. Does not require updatedb.

  • clear: clear terminal window (scroll it).

Less basic file and data manipulation:

  • echo: print a string either to console or a file.

  • cat: concatenate files and print on the standard output.

  • less: show files/input in a scrollable way. Use q to quit.

  • tar: compress/extract files to/from .tar.gz files. Similar to zip/unzip.

  • zip: compress files to a .zip file.

  • unzip: extract files from .zip files.

  • wc: count lines, words, bytes.

  • grep: print lines that match patterns.

  • sed: filter and transform text.

  • diff: compare files line by line (diff -u produces a, perhaps, easier to read format).


  • nano: a very basic terminal-based text editor. Use Ctrl + x to quit.

  • vim: an advanced terminal-based text editor. Use :q Enter to quit.

  • emacs: an advanced terminal-based text editor.

  • gedit: a graphical text editor.

Informational commands:

  • df: check the disk space usage on your system.

  • du: check the disk space usage for all files in the current directory.

  • uname: print system information (often called as uname -a).

  • hostname: display the DNS name of your system.

  • ping: check if a IP address is live. Can also be used on URLs.


  • sudo: run commands with administrative or root privileges.

  • apt (or apt-get): command for installing software on Ubuntu (also in WSL).

Program (job) control and information:

  • Ctrl + c: stop a program.

  • Ctrl + z: suspend a program.

  • fg: continue a suspended program.

  • jobs: display status of programs (in this terminal).

  • top: display currently running programs on the computer with CPU and memory usage. Use q to quit.

  • ps: list currently running programs on the computer.