Steiner Trees in the Plane: Algorithms and Applications

Martin Zachariasen
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen

Tuesday, December 8, 1998, at 2:15 PM
The Seminar Room


We consider the following fundamental network design problem, denoted the Steiner tree problem in the plane: Given a set of points (terminals) in the plane, construct a tree interconnecting all terminals such that the total length of all line segments is minimized. In the Euclidean Steiner tree problem, the length of a line segment is the usual Euclidean (or L2) distance between the endpoints of the segment. Correspondingly, in the rectilinear Steiner tree problem distances are measured using the rectilinear (or L1) distance metric. In this talk, we will describe recent exact and heuristic algorithms for these two problems. The new algorithms allow the exact solution of real-life instances with more than 2000 terminals. Applications of the rectilinear problem in VLSI design are given. Also, we give a short introduction to the important generalization in which a set of polygonal obstacles has to be avoided by the tree interconnecting the terminals.

Host: Jørgen Bang-Jensen

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