This is the web page for the graph theory meeting at
Nyborg Strand
december 1-3, 2000
NEW!!! Walking to Nyborg Strand from Nyborg Railwaystation.
is a posibility to walk from the train station to the conference
The distance is about 1 kilometer. To see the route,
click on the small map on Nyborg Strand's homepage and then position
the blue spot in the upper right corner (just click once in the lower
left corner). There is a footpath starting right behind the station on
the opposite side of the station. This will take you accross a small
field and onto Christianslundsvej just before the crossing of the highway.
- Lars Døvling
Andersen, Department of Mathematics, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Jørgen Bang-Jensen,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern
Denmark at Odense
- Janos Barat, Bolyai Institute, University of
Szeged, Hungary,
- Lowell Beineke,Indiana-Purdue University
Fort Wayne, Indiana
- Alex Berg, Department of Computer Science, Aarhus
- Stephan Brandt,
Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, Freie
Universit\"at Berlin, Germany
- Jens Clausen,
Department of Mathematical Modelling, The Technical University of Denmark
- Reinhard
Department of Mathematics, Univeristy of Hamburg, Germany
- Mette Hagenborg Eskesen, Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern
Denmark at Odense
- Tommy Rene
Department of Mathematics, Univeristy of Hamburg, Germany
- Yubao Guo,
Lehrstuhl C für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- Andreas
Department of Mathematics, University of Hannover, Germany
- Tibor Jord\'an, Department
of Operations Research, E\"otv\"os University, Budapest, Hungary
- Leif Kjær
Department of Mathematics, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Matthias
Department of Mathematics, Univeristy of Hannover, Germany
- Klaus Meer,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern
Denmark at Odense
- Jens Myrup Pedersen,
Department of Mathematics, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Zoltan Szigeti, Equipe
Combinatoire, Universite Paris 6, France
- Stephan
Thomasse,Laboratoire de Mathématiques Discrètes, Universite Lyon1, France
- Carsten
Department of Mathematics, The Technical University of Denmark
- Bjarne Toft,
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark at Odense
- Preben
Department of Mathematics, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Lutz Volkmann,
Lehrstuhl II für Mathematik, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- Sanne Woehlk, Department
of Mathematics and Computer Science, University of Southern Denmark at Odense.
- Anders Yeo, BRICS, Aarhus
University, Denmark
- Janos Barat, Cops-and-robber games on
- Lowell Beineke,Uniformly connected graphs and
bounds on the mean connectivity.
- Stephan Brandt,Dense graphs with bounded
clique number.
- Jens Clausen, Constructing Topographic maps from radar images - an application of
min cost flow algorithms .
- Reinhard Diestel, A graph minor hierarchy.
- Yubao Guo, Alternating hamiltonian paths in
edge-coloured complete graphs.
- Andreas Huck,Reducible Configurations for the Cycle--Double--Cover--Conjecture.
- Tommy Jensen, Semiextensions and Circuit Double Covers.
- Tibor Jordan,Independence Free Graphs and
Vertex Connectivity Augmentation.
- Leif Kjær Jørgensen
Construction of small graphs of girth 5.
- Matthias Kriesell,Critical connectivity of
graphs and domination in hypergraphs.
- Klaus Meer,Efficient algorithms for monadic
second order properties on R-structures of bounded tree-width.
- Zoltan Szigeti, On min-max results in matching
- Stephan Thomasse,Paths and circuits in
strongly connected oriented graphs.
- Lutz Volkmann, Multipartite tournaments:
Results, problems and conjectures .
- Anders Yeo, Finding small k-arc-strong
spanning subdigraphs in k-arc-strong tournaments
Last modified: November 8, 2000
Joergen Bang-Jensen