


The textbook:

Cryptography Made Simple, by Nigel P. Smart, Springer, 2016. There will also be notes, including the old Discrete Math notes (the most relevant part is the algebra).
There is an errata list for the textbook, maintained by the author.
There are slides on algebra.

Exam topics

Topics for 2013.
Topics for 2016.

Reading list for exam

On this list, the chapters in the textbook covered are in approximately the order we covered them in class.


Assignment 1 due October 3, 12:15.
Assignment 2 due November 2, 8:15. October 24 deadline for agreeing with me about a programming language.
Assignment 3 due November 28, 12:15.
Assignment 4 due December 21, 12:15.

Lecture notes:

Note 1.
Note 2.
Note 3.
Note 4.
Note 5.
Note 6.
Note 7.
Note 8.
Note 9.
Note 10.
Note 11.
Note 12.
Note 13.
Note 14.
Note 15.
Note 16.
Note 17.
Note 18.


Bruce Schneier's old predictions regarding factoring. Note that a 768-bit RSA key was factored in 2009.
Some notes on computational number theory.
AES description from on NIST's homepage.

Results from evaluations:

Results of the midterm evaluation.

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