Lectures will be in U45, still on Tuesdays, 10:15-12.
Announcement 2:
There were typos in the first two weekly notes. The problems from the first note are to be discussed in week 6 and those from the second note in week 7.
Announcement 3:
Announcement 1 is correct! The problem should be fixed now.
Announcement 4:
The weekly notes will be available in the white course slots at IMADA.
Announcement 5:
There is an extra announcement from the faglig tutor on the version of the note for week 4 on the Web, which did not make it onto the version which got copied and put in the DM11 slot.
Announcement 6:
There were 2 errors in the notes for week 4. First, the last problem from section 2.3 should be number 35 (not 34), in the 4th edition. Second, where it says "in the notes below", it should say "in the course notes". The notes below have been updated to reflect this.