My Friday office hours have been moved from 9 to 12:30-13:15.
Thursday lectures have been moved to room U71.
Many rules for the course are explained on the first of the
notes for the lectures.
The textbook:
Computer Science: An Overview, 10th Edition, by J. Glenn Brookshear,
There is a
homepage for the
textbook, including the simulator.
A list of errata for the textbook can be found here.
The textbook will be supplemented with notes.
There will be no exam at the end of the course; instead there are
mandatory assignments, of which all 10 must be completed well and
on time in order to pass the course. You are allowed to retry (only
once) on at
most 3 assignments which were not approved the first time.
Questions for the re-exam on June 29 are available
(This is only relevant if you flunk in the fall. Note that the date
given in that document is not from the year, 2011.)
Notes for lectures
Lectures 1 and 2 (also
Hint: for the last problem on the first homework
assignment: You should look at (and use) the problem
from the discussion section where you were asked to
minimize the number of AND gates. Then consider adding
two numbers, each of which has two bits.