Introduction to Computer Science

Announcement 1:

Many rules for the course are explained on the first of the notes for the lectures.

Announcement 2:

In the second quarter Jakob Rodenberg will be "instruktor" for S7 and Magnus Find will be "instruktor" for S17.

The textbook:

Computer Science: An Overview, 11th Edition, by J. Glenn Brookshear, 2012.
There is a homepage for the textbook (10th edition), including the simulator.
A list of errata for the textbook can be found here.
The textbook will be supplemented with notes.


There will be no exam at the end of the course; instead there are mandatory assignments, all of which must be completed well and on time in order to pass the course. You are allowed to retry (only once) on at most 2, of assignments 2 through 7, which were not approved the first time.


The questions for the re-exam in June 2011 were here. (This is only relevant if you flunk in the fall. Note that the date given in that document is for June, 2011, when it was June 29.)

Notes for lectures

  1. Lecture 1 (also in PDF). Project for first-year students/ Assignment 1 for other students (both in PDF).
    Rules for assignments and retries (also in PDF).
    Project 2 for first-year students who flunked the first project.
    Project 3 for first-year students who have not passed the first or second project.
  2. Lecture 2 (also PDF). (This note is unusual in that it has no really new information.)
  3. Lecture 3 (also in PDF).
  4. Lecture 4 (also in PDF). (Contains the second assignment.)
  5. Lecture 5 (also in PDF).
  6. Lecture 6 (also in PDF).
  7. Lecture 7 (also in PDF). (Contains the third assignment.)
  8. Lecture 8 (also in PDF).
  9. Lecture 9 (also in PDF). (Contains the fourth assignment.)
  10. Lecture 10 (also in PDF).
  11. Lecture 11 (also in PDF).
  12. Lecture 12 (also in PDF). (Contains the fifth assignment.)
  13. Lecture 13 (also in PDF).
  14. Lecture 14 (also in PDF). (Contains the sixth assignment.)
  15. Lecture 15 (also in PDF).
  16. Lecture 16 (also in PDF).
  17. Lecture 17 (also in PDF). (Contains the seventh assignment.)
  18. Lecture 18 (also in PDF).
  19. Lecture 19 (also in PDF).
  20. Lecture 20 (also in PDF).
  21. Lecture 21 (also in PDF).

Course Evaluation from fall 2011

Student course evaluation summary and response.


Weeks 45-51: Lectures Tuesday 8:15-10 (U26).
Weeks 45,47,49: Lectures Thursday 12:15-14 (U26).
S7 - Wednesday 14:15-16 Discussion section in weeks 45,49-51 (U49b).
S7 - Wednesday 14:15-16 Discussion section in weeks 46 (U49c).
S7 - Wednesday 14:15-16 Labs in weeks 47-48,50 (Terminal room).
S7 - Thursday 12:15-14 Discussion section in week 51 (U49c).
S7 - Friday 12:15-14 Discussion section in week 50 (U59).
S7 - Friday 12:15-14 Labs in weeks 46,48 (Terminal room).
S17 - Wednesday 8:15-10 Discussion section in weeks 45,49,51 (U51).
S17 - Wednesday 8:15-10 Discussion section in weeks 46 (U49c).
S17 - Wednesday 8:15-10 Labs in weeks 47-48,50 (Terminal room).
S17 - Thursday 10:15-12 Discussion section in week 51 (U51).
S17 - Friday 10:15-12 Discussion section in weeks 50 (U81).
S17 - Friday 10:15-12 Labs in weeks 46,48 (Terminal room).

Monday 9:00-9:45 Office hours.
Wednesday 9:00-9:45 Office hours, or make an appointment.


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Last modified: Tue Jan 24 13:41:31 CET 2012 - Joan Boyar <>


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