Spørgsmål til mundtlig eksamen

Generelt er det analyserne (beviserne), der skal fokuseres på.
  1. List accessing with emphasis on TIMESTAMP
  2. Randomized algorithms for list accessing
  3. Upper bounds for marking algorithms and lower bounds for paging in general
  4. The paging algorithm RAND
  5. The paging algorithm MARK
  6. K-server algorithms on the line
  7. Memoryless paging algorithms with emphasis on mixed algorithms
  8. Using Yao's principle to prove a lower bound on randomized paging
  9. The algorithm GREEDY for the identical and the restricted machine model for load balancing
  10. The algorithm ROBIN-HOOD for load balancing
  11. EXPO algorithms for the times series search problem

Last modified: December 11, 2000.
Kim Skak Larsen (kslarsen@imada.sdu.dk)