This a list of questions on the project. (Last updated: Thu Jan 13 11:03:00 CET 2011) Q: The time limits listed, are they supposed to be seconds or minutes? (Felix P. Hargreaves So 2 Jan 2011 22:21:04 CET) A: Seconds! I specified in the text. Q: On page 4 on 1st paragraph, it says "....can be constructed by the algorithm in Figure 3", that is supposed to be figure 2 right? (Felix P. Hargreaves So 2 Jan 2011 22:21:04 CET) A: Right. I corrected the text. Q: Are we supposed to implement a correctness checker ourselves? (Felix P. Hargreaves So 2 Jan 2011 22:21:04 CET) A: Yes! I will implement one for myself after the 20th of January. Q: In figure 4, the PermutationToTreeDecomposition pseudo-code, line 7 bothers me. It says " adding to E an edge between each pair or non-adjacent vertices ...". Since this makes little sense to me, and since the keyboard-keys "r" and "f" are next to each other on normal keyboard layouts, I'm assuming it is a typo and that it was supposed to be "...pair OF non-adjacent vertices...". (Felix P. Hargreaves Mon Jan 3 11:58:49 CET 2011) A: Right! I corrected in the text. Q: Do the listed times for the instances apply also when running the race-tests to determine which algorithm is the best? If yes, how is it possible to set up race such that the instances get paired with the correct times when running Race? (note: I am using these commands to make the vector of instance-filenames: instclass <- "instances" and then instances <- paste(instclass,dir(instclass),sep="/") (Felix P. Hargreaves Wed Jan 12 19:18:14 CET 2011) A: It can be done, but it requires some knowledge of R programming. For example, you can read a file that contains name of instance and its time and put it in a data.frame, say A. Then you can access the data by: A[i,]$nameinstance and A[i,]$time, where i is the row number corresponding to the instance sampled at a certain stage. Ok, if it is not clear come to visit me in my office with your laptop. An easy alternative (perhaps even more fair) is to run a different race for each different time limit. Q: The algorithm in figure 2 has a variable called "tw" which contains the size of the maximal clique(s). The text states that this is the treewidth, however, Proposition 1. states that treewidth = w(G) - 1. Am I correct in assuming that the algorithm is in fact returning w(g) and not tw(g)? (Felix P. Hargreaves Wed Jan 12 19:18:14 CET 2011) Q: No, I do not think you are right. Read carefully what A_G(v) is and what would be the size of the clique... Q. What does the LB and UB mean in the Talbe 1? Does that mean the treewidth should be between the LB and UB? (Ning Jin Thu Jan 13 11:03:00 CET 2011) A. Lower Bound and Upper Bound. Yes, the tree width must be within those numbers. What you find with heuristics is an upper bound. Q. What about the time limit? Does that mean that u can run the algorithm on that instance over and over again until it reaches the time limit and among those attempts, u get the best result? (Ning Jin Thu Jan 13 11:03:00 CET 2011) A. Yes, if you algorithm terminates before the time limit. In the case of metaheuristics, they should be able to use all the time made available to them. Q. In appendix C, if i use comet, do i need to compile it in C? and in the example, u put a time limit, what does this time limit used for? for one run, or for one algorithm each? (Ning Jin Thu Jan 13 11:03:00 CET 2011) A. No, a program in comet does not need to be compiled (comet does just in time compilation hence it would not be good to precompile). Just explain how I should run it in a README file. The time limit is for one single run of the algorithm per instance. You can check times in comet with System.getCPUTime().