Exercise 1 Generalized Linear Models and Neural Networks.
Solution: The solutioin of this exercise is developed on pages 114 and 115 of [B1].
data set gives the measurements in
centimeters of the variables petal length and width, respectively, for
50 flowers from each of 2 species of iris. The species are “Iris
setosa”, and “versicolor” and “virginica”.
[sheet4_1b.R]Use a multiple logistic model (i.e., multinomial) to predict the test
using generalized linear models to fit the parameters. Given the
multivariate nature of multinomial variables we cannot use the
function in R. An alternative function is multinom
from the package nnet
head(iris) str(iris) library(nnet) # fit the multinomial model res <- multinom(Species ~ .,data=iris) summary(res) # The estimated class probabilities for the training data can be found in # res$fitted.values # the classification assigns the object to the class with maximal # estimated probability res$fitted.values pr <- predict(res,iris) table(iris$Species,pr) # # We can plot the estimated class probabilities as a function of # Petal.Width, for Sepal.Length 5.8, Sepal.Width 3 and Petal.Length 4.35 # x1 <- seq(0.1,2.5,0.1) n <- length(x1) b <- summary(res) beta2 <- b$coefficients[1,] beta3 <- b$coefficients[2,] p <- matrix(0,n,3) for (i in 1:n){ x <- c(1,5.80,3,4.35,x1[i]) e2 <- exp(beta2%*%x) e3 <- exp(beta3%*%x) et <- 1+e2+e3 p[i,1] <- 1/et p[i,2] <- e2/et p[i,3] <- e3/et } plot(x1,p[,1],type="l",ylim=c(0,1),xlab="Sepal.Length",ylab="Class probability") lines(x1,p[,2],lty=2) lines(x1,p[,3],lty=3) |
from the package
provides an implementation to fit single-hidden-layer
neural networks, possibly with skip-layer connections (i.e., a link
from the input node directly to the output nodes). Check the example
of this function. Compare its results with the GLM at the previous
point and comment. Solution:
head(iris) str(iris) library(nnet) # fit the network on a training set of half of the data samp <- c(sample(1:50,25),sample(50:100,25),sample(101:150,25)) res <- nnet(Species ~ .,data=iris,subset=samp,size=2,maxit=1000) summary(res) # The estimated class probabilities for the training data can be found in # res$fitted.values res$fitted.values # the classification assigns the object to the class with maximal # estimated probability # Let's see the performance on the test set pr <- predict(res,iris[-samp,],type="class") table(iris$Species[-samp],pr) # comparison with multinomial regression: res <- multinom(Species ~ .,data=iris,subset=samp) pr <- predict(res,iris[-samp,]) table(iris$Species[-samp],pr) |
Exercise 2 Perceptron. This exercise asks you
to implement the perceptron algorithm and plot its result. As data set
we use a simplified case with binary classification from the iris
Exercise 3 Neural Networks. In the derivation of
the backward propagation procedure we used the fact that the partial
derivation of the error for the output units is given by
| =ŷj−yj (1) |
For a single output: