DM826 - Modeling and Solving Constrained Optimization Problems
Sheet 5, Spring 2011 [pdf format]

Prepare the following exercises for discussion in class on Friday 25th February 2011.

Exercise 5.1 Recall the definition of domain consistency and relaxed domain consistency such as bound(Z), bound(D) and range consistency. What is the consistency level of the following CSPs?

  P = ⟨ x1 ∈ {1,3}, x2 ∈ {1,3}, x3 ∈ {1,3}, x4 ∈ {1,3}  C≡ alldifferent(x1,x2,x3,x4)⟩
  P = ⟨ x1 ∈ {1,2,3}, x2 ∈ {2,3}, x3 ∈ {2,3}, x4 ∈ {1,2,3,4},  Calldifferent(x1,x2,x3,x4)⟩
 P = ⟨ x1 ∈ {1,3}, x2 ∈ {2}, x3 ∈ {1,2,3},  C≡ alldifferent(x1,x2,x3)⟩
 P = ⟨ x1 ∈ {1,3}, x2 ∈ {2}, x3 ∈ {1,3},  C≡ alldifferent(x1,x2,x3) ⟩
  P = ⟨ x1 ∈ {1,3}, x2 ∈ {1,3}, x3 ∈ {1,3},  C≡ alldifferent(x1,x2,x3)⟩

Exercise 5.2 You have seen the basic propagation rules for linear inequalities in the lectures. Implement an AC5 propagator for ax+byc with a,b,c ∈ ℤ∖ 0 in Comet. Use the template available at: Try to run the program and check that you get correct solutions. Is your implementation leading to domain consistency or bound consistency?

Exercise 5.3 In Chapter 22 of the Gecode manual, there is a Gecode implementation of the propagator for x < y. Implement a propagator for max(x,y) = z. (You should first read Chapter 22 of the manual.)

Exercise 5.4 We now want to generalize the propagator of exercise 5.2 to a bound consistent propagator for ∑ai xi = b and implement it in Gecode.

As you should have learned in the previous exercise views, as IntVarView, provide a read/write interface to a variable. They can also slightly change how the variable behaves. A scale view, e.g., has the same interface as an IntVarView. However, it makes a variable x look like a scaled version, ax, for some integer constant a. They are mentioned in section 22.1.3 and you may use them in your implementation.

Test your implementation using the send more money example.