DM826 - Modeling and Solving Constrained Optimization Problems

  • Comet download at Dynadec

    In Linux: install by exectuing the INSTALL file recieved. Enter the Comet directory. Copy the license file received by email in the compiler subdirectory. Open the file doc/index.html. The manual is doc/comet.pdf. Exectue from command line by compiler/comet. Open the graphical interface compiler/CometStudio. Study the examples in compiler/examples/cp.

    In MacOsX: install the .dmg package. Open Applications, search the directory comet, launch cometStudio. From command line, you may want to create a redirect to /Applications/Comet/comet. The documentation and the manual can be accessed via open /Applications/Comet/doc/index.html open /Applications/Comet/doc/comet.pdf

  • The main reference is the manual in the documentation of Comet distribution
  • Global constraints: index.html | modules | CP
  • Dynadec's Forum
  • Hakan Kjellerstrand's Comet page
  • Emacs style Put the file in your home directory (eg, ~/.lisp) and add (load "$HOME/.lisp/comet-mode") in your emacs config file.
  • load DIMACS graphs

Author: Marco Chiarandini

Date: 2011-03-14 15:08:12 CET

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