DM826 - Modeling and Solving Constrained Optimization Problems

Direct Links to GECODE Documents

  • Gecode

    In Linux: download using the svn command given in the download page. Unzip and enter the directory. Run ./configure and make. Eventually you encounter problems due to missing qt libraries. You should install them in your system. In ubuntu you can do this via Synaptic or apt-get. The packages you may need are libqtcore4 and qt4-qmake. The make command will take a while. If it runs without errors then you are ready to work. Enter in the directory examples/ and start working with them. To compile them read section 2.3.3 that you find in the manual of Gecode linked below.

    In MacOsX: download the .dmg package. Install it. There will be a Library/Framework installed in your system. You will also see a directory C++ examples that you should use to start working with. Compile the examples as described in the Manual linked below in section 2.3.2.

  • PDF Manual
  • Module List and Class List
  • Global constraints and Heuristic choices for branching for finte domain integer variables
  • Compiling statically
  • Hakan Kjellerstrand's Gecode page

Author: Marco Chiarandini

Date: 2011-02-04 11:33:30 CET

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