Prolog Based Languages | |
ECLiPSe | (Open Source) |
Prolog II till Prolog IV Colmerauer, 1990 | |
CHIP V5 Dincbas, 1988 | (commercial) |
CLP(R) | |
Ciao Prolog | (Free, GPL) |
GNU Prolog | (Free, GPL) |
SICStus Prolog | (commercial) |
Mozart based on Oz language (incorporates concurrent constraint programming) | |
Modelling languages | |
Comet - distributed by [dynadec] | |
ZIMPL Modelling language for ILP | (open source) |
MiniZinc | (open source) |
Libraries | |
Gecode C++, interface for MiniZinc | |
G12 Project | |
SCIP - a framework for Constraint Integer Programming (C/C++) | (open source) |
CHOCO | (free) |
Kaolog | (commercial) |
CP-Optimizer - Constraint System by IBM-ILOG, available via C/C++ or OPL | |
(Gecode seems to be the best performing: MiniZinc Challenge 2010)