During the course, this page will be frequently updated: reload your page!
Week | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 |
Man, 10-12, U27A | | Lecture | Lecture | Lecture | Lecture | Lecture | Lecture | |
Tue, 8-10, U27A | Lecture | | Lecture | Lecture | Exercises | Lecture | Lecture | |
Thu, 14-16, U27A | Lecture | Exercises | Exercises | Exercises | Exercises | | Exercises | |
Fri, 8-10, U26 | Lecture | Exercises | | | | Exercises | Exercises | |
Lecture Program
This is a preliminary outline to be refined during the course
| Lec. | Topic | Literature | Demo and Apps |
1 | apr10 | Introduction - Linear Programming, Notation | [Appendix of B1 + ch 1, 2 and 4 of B1] | FTLP, LP, Diet |
| | Diet problem. Resource allocation problem in factory planning. | | Polyhedra |
| | Linear programming problems and geometrical interpretation. | | |
| | Notation: linear algebra, polyhedral theory. | | |
| | Fundamental theorem, Gaussian elimination. | | |
2 | apr12 | Linear Programming, Simplex Method | [ch 5 of B1 or ch 2,3,4 of B8] | LP Grapher |
| | Examples in GnuMath. Fourier-Motzkin elimination. | | |
| | Simplex method. Tableaux and dictionaries. | | |
3 | apr13 | Exception Handling and Duality Theory | [ch 5, 6.1-6.2 of B1 or ch 3,4,5 of B8] | |
| | Exception handling and degeneracies in simplex method. Pivot rules. | | |
| | Two-phase simplex. Duality via bounding. | | |
4 | apr16 | Duality Theory and Sensitivity | [ch 6.2, 6.3 of B1 + ch 5, 7.1 of B8] | |
| | Duality via multipliers. | | |
| | Weak and strong duality theorems and complementary slackness theorem. | | |
| | Economic interpretation. Sensitivity analysis. | | |
5 | apr23 | Sensitivity, Duality by Lagrangian relaxation | [ch 10 B9 (BB)] | |
| | Sensitivity analysis, Dual Simplex, Geometric interpretation, | [p 208 B1 + sc 6.4 B1 + A1 + ch 2 B4] | |
| | Farkas Lemma, Duality by Lagrangian multipliers | | |
6 | apr24 | Revised Simplex Method. Integer Programming, Modeling, Relaxations | [ch 7 B9 (BB) + sc 1.4 B6 (BB)] | |
| | Revised Simplex Method, Integer Programming, Modelling | [sc 1.1-1.5 B3 (BB) + ch 2,3 B1] | Simplex Method |
| | Uncapacitated facility location problem. | | |
7 | apr30 | Integer Programming - Modeling Examples and Good Formulations | [chp. 1,2 of B3 (BB)] | Assignment 1 |
| | Matchings, Packing, Covering, Traveling Salesman, Transportation | | |
| | Facility location, Fomulations, Primal and Dual Bounds, Relaxations | | |
8 | may1 | Integer Programming - Well Solved Problems, Cutting Planes | [sc 3.1-3.3, 8.1-8.6 of B3 (BB)] | |
| | Totally Unimodular Matrices, Chvatal-Gomory cuts | | |
9 | may7 | Integer Programming - Branch and Bound | [ch 7, sc 9.6 of B3 (BB)] | |
| | Bounding, Pruning, Branching, Preprocessing, Searching | [ch 9 of B5 (BB)] | |
10 | may14 | Network Flows, Maximum Flow | [sc 4.1-4.4 of B2] | |
| | Networks notation, Transformations, Network flow problems: min cost flow, shortest path, max flow | | |
| | assignment, transportation, multicommodity flow, min spanning tree, | | |
| | matching in bipartite and arbitrary graphs. Flow decomposition. Residual network. | | |
11 | may15 | Max Flow | [sc 4.5-4.7 of B2] | Assignment 2 |
| | Augmenting (s,t)-paths. Max flow min cut theorem. | | Max Flow 1 |
| | Ford Fulkerson, Edmonds Karp, Push relabel algorithms for max (s,t)-flow. | | Max Flow 2 |
12 | may21 | Min Cost Flow | [sc 4.8-4.10 and pp 97-99 of B2 ] | Networks Optimization |
| | Circulations and feasible flow. Min-flow max-demand theorem (optimality conditions). | | |
| | Minimum value feasible (s,t)-flow. Min cost flows (optimality conditions). | | |
| | Cycle cancelling algorithm with Bellman-Ford-Moore. | | |
13 | may22 | Matching | [sc 8.2 of B1 and 4.10.3-4.11.2 of B2] | Max Matching |
| | Berge's Theorem, Augmenting path algorithm for cardinality matching on bipartite graphs, | | |
| | Max flow algorithm for cardinality matching on bipartite graphs, | | |
| | Hungarian method for weighted matching on bipartite graphs. | | |
| | Koenig-Egervary Theorem. Hall's Theorem. | | |
The exercise sessions are held by: Philipp Peters
| Sess. | Topic | Exercises |
1 | apr19 | The Simplex Method and Modelling | Sheet 1 |
2 | apr20 (in IMADA terminal room) | LP Software | Sheet 2 |
3 | apr26 | Modeling in LP, Duality, Sensitivity Analysis, | Sheet 3 |
4 | may3 | IP Modeling | Sheet 4 |
5 | may8 | Integer Programs | Sheet 5 |
6 | may10 | Finishing previous exercises | Sheet 6 |
7 | may18 | Network problems, max flow | Sheet 7 |
8 | may24 | Network problems, min cost flow | Sheet 8 |
9 | may25 | Network flows applications | Sheet 9 |
10 | jun4 (8:30-11:30, U131) | Exam Practice | |
11 | jun12 (9:00-11:00, U133) | Question Time | Sheet 10 |
- [B1] J. Matousek and B. Gartner. Understanding and Using Linear Programming. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2007
- [B2] J. Bang-Jensen and G. Gutin. Digraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Springer London, 2009 (Direct link to chp. 4, Flows in Networks.)
- [B3] L.A. Wolsey. Integer programming. John Wiley & Sons, New York, USA, 1998
- [B4] J. Clausen and J. Larsen. Supplementary notes to networks and integer programming. Lecture Notes, DTU, 2009
- [B5] H.P. Williams. Model building in mathematical programming. John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1999
- [B6] A. Schrijver. Theory of Linear and Integer Programming. Wiley Interscience, 1986.
- [B7] Bernhard Korte and Jens Vygen. Combinatorial Optimization Theory and Algorithms Volume 21, 5th Edition, 2012
- [B8] R. Vanderbei. Linear Programming: Foundations and Extensions. Springer US, 2008, 114
- [B9] V. Chvatal. Linear Programming. W.H.Freeman, 1983
Further Literature
- W.J. Cook, W.H. Cunningham, W.R. Pulleyblank and
A. Schrijver. Combinatorial optimization. Wiley-Interscience, 1998
[Among other good for network simplex]
Software and Data
In the course we will use a modelling language together with a MIP
solver. There are a few possibilities, we will use the first here listed:
Alternatively it is possible to work with Python
Comparison of solvers
- Obligatory project assignments. Internal examiner by
teacher. Pass/fail. The projects must be passed to attend the written
- Written exam on June 15, 2012, 4 hours. Danish 7 mark scale, external
examiner. The exam must be digital. To digitalize handwritten text,
formulas and graphs digital pen or hand scanner are allowed. A
rehearsal of the exam is scheduled for June 4th. Take vision of the regulations that will apply.
- Reexam: Oral exam, Danish 7 mark scale, external examiner.
- The reexam will be oral. Here is a List of questions.
Date: 2013-01-02 08:35:35 CET
Author: Marco Chiarandini
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