DM811 - Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization
Assignment Sheet 3, Autumn 2011 [pdf format]

Submission deadline: Friday, September 29, at 16:00

1  Local Search for Graph Coloring

This task asks you to design and implement a local search algorithm for the optimization version of the graph coloring problem. Your aim should be finding the best approximation of the chromatic number.

  1. The following are possible alternatives to consider in the design of a local search for GCP. They lead to the definition of the solution representation (and hence to the candidate solutions), the neighborhood structure and the evaluation function.

    k inassignmenttype of
    local searchof colors to Vcoloring

    Determine which combination read in the rows of this table leads to a promising local search approach and implement it.

  2. Describe your local search providing a definition of the seven components and an algorithmic sketch (pseudo-code). Put your response in .pdf format in the directory doc/ of your archive. For the sketch, you may consider using the LaTex style algorithm2e.sty. (Just google with the file name.)
  3. Collect computational results on the following instances published in Assignment 2:
    queen11_11, queen12_12, queen13_13, queen14_14, queen15_15, queen16_16,
    DSJC1000.1, DSJC1000.5, DSJC1000.9, DSJC500.1, DSJC500.5, DSJC500.9 

    Run your algorithm 10 tens on each instance and report the results in a file called results.txt in res/ using the following format:

    CPRN instance_name solution seconds