DM811 - Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization
Assignment Sheet 4, Autumn 2011 [pdf format]

Submission deadline: Wednesday, October 12, at 16:00 (no extension possible this time!)

Metaheuristics for Graph Coloring

The task of this last obligatory assignment is to implement an effective stochastic local search heuristic or a local search based metaheuristic for the optimization version of the graph coloring problem.

This time your program will be re-run in class during one of the exercise sessions using one of the IMADA machines. It is therefore chiefly important that you follow the submission requirements described below.

The program will be tested in solving uniform random graphs of size 500 and edge density 0.5. A set of 10 instances of this type has been made available at the course web page. Those are the training instances. The instances on which your program will be tested in class will be different although their characteristics will resemble those of the training instances.

The time limit will be set to 30 seconds.

You may implement different metaheuristics and/or different settings for their parameters, but you must submit only the instantiation that you deem the best (i.e., the value of metaheuristic parameters, if any, must be defined in your code).

Submission requirements