Grade: 12/12 Algorithms - All algorithms are sound and the extension meets the requirements of the project. - The results are among the best seen in the project. - An error is present in Algorithm 2, moreover this algorithm could be implemented more efficiently - The heuristics 1 and 2 should be randomized. How are ties broken? - Improvements are possible in Addnfix, by considering pruning and look up tables for the delta computation. - Pruning is not considered either in Rm1add2. - Possibly a typing error is present in Algorithm 8 - Aspiration in Tabu Search implemented but not described. But it can be implemented differently, being sufficient that a new solution improves the overall best. - Parameters not put in relation with the size of the instance. Analysis: - Computational Analysis is present where it is needed. It is also correct and in some cases an aggregate analysis is presented which is more precise. - Although right, the average number of edges of which a vertex could be member in the instance is not explained. - No attempt to transform the data within the instances in order to remove problems due to different location and scale of each instance. - Experimental analysis: the analysis in Figure 4 could have been made also for the construction heuristics and for the local search, where it makes more sense. - The comments and conclusions reflect well the empirical data. Report - Generally well written and well structured report. - Length within the limits. - Reference list and citations missing. At least one local search is clearly borrowed by some other place. - Missing a last run of spell checker Code: - Working and results reproducible. - Seemingly efficient.