Obligatory Assignment 1, Spring 2012 [pdf format] |
We consider the following problem in project assignment. A set of project topics P={1,…,n} are offered to a set of students S={1,…,s}. For each topic i a limited number of teams ti can be created. If a team for topic i is created, the number of students assigned to it must be between a minimum and maximum bound, li and ui, respectively. Each student s ∈ S provides a ranking of a subset of project topics, denoted by an ordered subsequence of projects r(s)=(p(1),…,p(q)), p(i) ∈ P, 1≤ i≤ q≤ n. Moreover students can register in groups of at most ℓ students, if they want to be assigned to the same team. That is, students are partitioned in groups, G={G1,…,Gm}, ∪i Gi = S, Gi ∩ Gj=∅, ∀ i≠ j and |Gi| ∈ [1..ℓ]. Students in the same group Gi have the same preference list, r(s1)=r(s2) for all s1, s2 ∈ Gi.
We wish to find an assignment of students to project teams, σ : S → [1..∑j∈ Ptj] such that each student is assigned to exactly one project from his/her rank sequence, team bounds and group requirements are satisfied and the assignment is fair and efficient.
Make sure you have read all this document including the section Practicalities before starting to work.
Describe the formulations and experiments requested in the points below
in a short report (max 3 pages). Do not describe the problem. Submit the
report together with the file models.py
. Do not submit the
instances or the scripts made available. Submit in the BlackBoard
system an archive containing the report and the python file. Name the
archive with your CPR number (all 10 digits without dash).
There is not a predefined score for each point but point 1 is the most important as from its correctness depends most of the remaining work.
To determine the efficiency of an assignment σ that satisfies all constraints expressed we use the vector v→=(v1,σ(1),…,vs,σ(s)) and the distribution of students over ranks δ→=(δΔ,…,δ1), where δi=1..Δ=|{s∈ S ∣ vs,σ(s)=i}|. For two feasible assignments σ1 and σ2 it is then possible to define two kinds of preference relations: lexicographic and weighted. The former compares lexicographically the two vectors δ→1 and δ→2, the latter assigns a weight to each rank, w: [1,…,Δ] → ℤ0+ and computes ∑s w(vs,σ(s))=∑i =1..Δw(i)δi. Both relations define a strict weak order organized in such a way that the best efficiency is achieved by the feasible assignment that maximizes over one of these relations.
The fairness criterion aims at ensuring that no student benefits at the expenses of others. Taking only efficiency into account it is possible to create examples where the overall satisfaction is high to the disadvantage of a few students. A way to take fairness into account is by searching for the assignment that maximizes the worst preference, that is, maxmin{vs,σ(s) |s∈ S}. This is also known as the maximin criterion.
Describe how you update your model from the previous points and compare the solution quality with those from the previous points. Report the comparison in a table like the one below (tip: import the data in Gnumeric and export as a LaTex table): Report computational statistics in the same fashion as for the table of the first point.
This assignment is best carried out in GECODE. All scripts mentioned
below can be found at
http://www.imada.sdu.dk/~marco/DM826/Resources/. Download
and uncompress the archive dm826-ass1.tgz
written in
. It will be copied in
a directory containing the same files as those provided with the
assignment and it will be run on a linux environment.Tips: print the data to understand how things are organized; use the
solution checker in main.py
to cross check your implementation.