DM826 - Modeling and Solving Constrained Optimization Problems


Problems and Data:

Constraint Systems

Prolog Based Languages
ECLiPSe(Open Source)
Prolog II till Prolog IV Colmerauer, 1990
CHIP V5 Dincbas, 1988(commercial)
Ciao Prolog(Free, GPL)
GNU Prolog(Free, GPL)
SICStus Prolog(commercial)
Mozart based on Oz language (incorporates concurrent constraint programming)

Modelling languages
Comet - distributed by [dynadec]
ZIMPL Modelling language for ILP(open source)
MiniZinc(open source)

Gecode C++, interface for MiniZinc
G12 Project
SCIP - a framework for Constraint Integer Programming (C/C++)(open source)
CP-Optimizer - Constraint System by IBM-ILOG, available via C/C++ or OPL

(Gecode seems to be the best performing: MiniZinc Challenge 2010)

Date: 2012-01-30 16:03:23 CET

Author: Marco Chiarandini

Org version 7.6 with Emacs version 23

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