DM828 - Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Exercise Sheet 4, Autumn 2011 [pdf format]

Prepare the following exercises for discussion in class on Thursday, December 1.


  1. Exercise 18.4, 18.5, 18.10, 18.29
  2. In a classification task you are given the following data points: Negative: (-1, -1) (2, 1) (2, -1); Positive: (-2, 1) (-1, 1) (1,-1). The points are depicted in Figure 1.

    Figure 1: The data points for classification.

    Decision Tree

    1. Construct a decision tree using the recursive bi-partitioning algorithm based on information gain described in class. (Discretize the continue scale considering for f1 only the values {−1.5,0,1.5} and for f2 only 0.) Represent graphically the tree constructed and draw the decision boundaries in the Figure 1.
    2. Explain how you chose the top-level attribute in the tree. Table 1 might be useful.

      xy−(x/y) · log(x/y)xy−(x/y) · log(x/y)
      Table 1: Numerical values for the computation of information gains.

    3. Apply χ2 pruning.
    4. Use the tree to predict the outcome for the new point (1,1).

    Nearest Neighbor

    1. Draw the decision boundaries for 1-Nearest Neighbors on the Figure 1. Make it accurate enough so that it is possible to tell whether the integer-valued coordinate points in the diagram are on the boundary or, if not, which region they are in.
    2. What class does 1-NN predict for the new point: (1, 1) Explain why.
    3. What class does 3-NN predict for the new point: (1, 0) Explain why.
    4. In general, how would you select between two alternative values of k for use in k-nearest neighbors?


    1. Imagine to apply the perceptron learning algorithm to the points in Figure 1. Describe qualitatively what the result would be.
  3. Consider neural networks with inputs in the range [0,1] and with a step function g. A network is defined by the weights on the links and a threshold value of g at each node.
  4. Using R do exercise 18.24. The commands you may try are nnet from package nnet, rpart from package rpart, knn from package class, the glm function (check example in ?predict.glm). Look at the examples of these methods by ?function. nnet uses one hidden layer. To implement the single layer perceptron you may try to use the following lines for stochastic gradient descent with the needed changes:
    sigma <- function(w,point) { x <- c(point,1) sign(w %*% x) } w.0 <- c(runif(1),runif(1),runif(1)) w.t <- w.0 for (j in 1:1000) { i <-sample(1:50,1) # or (j-1)%%50 + 1 diff <- y[i,3] - sigma(w.t, c(x[i,1],x[i,2])) w.t <- w.t+0.2*diff * c(x[i,1],x[i,2],1) }

    Test also the batch version of gradient descent.

    More data to analyse are available at UCI Machine Learning Repository.