On 29.08.2012, at 21:14, Mette Mortensen wrote: Hej Marco Jeg har siddet og kigget på assignment 0, og er stødt på en mærkværdighed. Når jeg kører din marco10.col fil med dit javaframework så tilføjes alle naboer to gange til adjacency listene. Dette er dog ikke tilfældet ved alle de andre filer. Er det meningen eller en fejl? jeg kan se at det er fordi marco10.col filen er lidt anderledes end de andre. Er det meningen for at gøre det sværere, eller er det en fejl? Hilsen Mette -- Hej Mette, nej der er ingen meningen med det. Jeg glemte at tilføje til framework en check for at forsikre, at man ikke skal gemme to gange en kant der allerede er gemt. Jeg forslager at i ente: 1) tilføjer en adjacency matrix til representationen af grafen i jeres program og tjekker hvis to knuder allerede er nabo inden at tilføje dem, eller 2) sletter fra marco10.col de række der tilsvarere til en dobbelt kant. Løsning 1) er mere sikker og en adjacency matrix er sikker en data struktur som i skal bruge alligevel på en måde eller en anden i jeres algoritme. Marco ====================================================================== On 28.08.2012, at 17:13, Lars G. Mathiasen wrote: Hi Marco We were wondering if some classes were missing in the Java framework, specifically TourRandom, since you refer to it in GCP.java; //TODO Implement in TourYourAlg your Heuristic // look at TourRandom and imitate the structure Or are we supposed to implement it ourselves, along with TourYourAlg. Also, we have no clue what the purpose of the Tour class (not supplied either) is. Therefore, we have moved all the functionality into the TourSearch class, which we use as an abstract class that will have a construct method for the heuristic solution, and a getLength method that will return the number of colors used - we were not sure what getLength was supposed to do either, but it seemed natural to provide the number of colors used. - Lars G. Mathiasen Dear Lars, yes, you have done it right. Ignore all the things related to Tour. It is because I created the framework from an example on the TSP that I gave some years ago. I was undecided until the last whether to give an example or a framework, at the end I have somehow opted for both :) So the things on Tour are to be meant as example. Marco ====================================================================== If you encounter problems uploading your solutions and having them checked, among the different things to check, such as names and extensions of the files in the archive, you should also make sure that the permissions to the file do not contrast with the permissions of the web server. The command: chmod a-x file.sol could be something to try. Marco