FAQs on the Final Project ###################################################################### Checker updated on Wed Sun Oct 21 18:17:09 CEST 2012 On line 60 Added (double) on line 60 and changed !) to | on line 654. ###################################################################### Project text updated on Wed Oct 10 11:47:09 CEST 2012 Added Remark 7 On page 2 added "all" in "strings made of $K \geq \lceil 2\log_2 {N}\rceil$ binary bits" Table 1 0 changed with --, that is, "no uper bound known" Corrected a pair of typos. ###################################################################### On 13.10.2012, at 19:34, Lars G. Mathiasen wrote: > Regarding Project Requirement 3, should a table be made for > all algorithms, or just for the best? You should report only the results of the best algorithm found. In point 2 you can give a more general account of what you have tried. Marco ###################################################################### On 13.10.2012, at 18:15, Martin Brandt Jepsen wrote: > Under known facts, it says that there is an easy method to > construct solutions with D=2, when N is a power of 2, but table 2 says > that the best known result for N=16 is 4. If it is easy, why is it not > known? It is true that for N=16 there is a D=2 solution. The table has been updated accordingly on Mon Oct 15 08:19:44 CEST 2012 Marco ###################################################################### On 13.10.2012, at 01:22, Lars Andersen wrote: > If I for example run the program on the instance (N,K,D)=(4,4,3), we > know that there exist a solution where D = 2 due to the known facts. In > that case would I just return the solution with D = 2, or would I need > to find a solution that fulfills the criteria of D = 3? If you run on the instance with D=3 you need to report a solution with D=3. Even if we know that a solution exists it might be that your local search is not able to find it. Marco