FF505/FY505 – Computational Science
Week 7, Spring 2013 [pdf format]
Vector spaces;
inner product spaces;
orthogonal sets and orthonormal bases;
linear transformations;
the characteristic polynomial;
eigenvalue problems;
bases of eigenvectors;
the Spectral theorem;
Fourier series.
MATLAB Exercises
Work in small groups at the computer to solve the following exercises.
Draw the graphs of some partial sums for the Fourier series of
f(x)=x3−3π/2x2, and compare these with the graph of
Draw over the (t,x) plane some partial sums for the solution of
exercise 7 in Claudio’s Exercises Part 3 (assuming for example that
c=1). What happens after long time?
MATLAB has a utility for visualizing eigenvalues. Try help
eigshow. Explore this function and understand what it does.
Carry out the exercises in Chapter 2 of Paolo’s Notes.