FF505/FY505 - Computational Science - MATLAB Section

Setting up a remote connection to MATLAB

Try one of the following:

In MobaXterm:

Launch the program and click on the key Session on the top bar. Choose SSH.

Fill the form typing woglinde.imada.sdu.dk as host using your account for the IMADA terminal room as username. (Do not overload woglinde, other valid names are: tosca desdemona erda lucretia pamina lucia senta tristan adina isabella brunnhilde dalila giulietta julia elektra carmen tatiana elvira iokaste luisa woglinde salome iphigenia gretchen medea gilda fenema despina imogene irene mimi turandot ulrica wellgunde.)

Once the connection has started, from the terminal type matlab.

A remote matlab session should start on your computer.

Author: Marco Chiarandini <marco@imada.sdu.dk>

Date: 2013-02-21 13:21:38 CET

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