FAQs: > The compiler generates a warning. > Well, ArrayList is a List, and part of the Collections API. Maybe you wanted to use a plain double array instead? Or a nested pair of ArrayList? Combinations are generally a no-no AFAIK. I am a bit biased towards what I would do in c++. Generally I am not so keen of using libraries and ArrayList has an awful syntax I think. On the other side, I did not want to invest too much time for making dynamic arrays, so the mixture library/plain structures. > 1) What is the mandatory README file supposed to contain? In general, a README file is a good habit having. In it one could write for example how to compile and test the program, other instructions, etc. How for example should I call the make to compile your program? > 2) Is the Makefile really mandatory for Java submissions? I never made a > Makefile for packaging a Java project before. yes, it is. In the case where I need to check why your program is not working, or other troubles I want to know how to compile it and run it, and the most secure way to get this is looking at the Makefile. Again in general README and Makefile are present in any package one wants to install, so it is a good practice I think conforming to what emerged as good practice. > 3) The assignment web page and Java skeleton code contains different > versions of the gcp wrapper. They seem functionally identical, but which > one should we submit? I did not notice this. The one from the web page is more robust, I updated the Framework with that one. > 4) You list a number of things as "recommended" for inclusion in the > archive but state that they will not be used. I'm a bit confused as to why > we should include/create these things (test instances, performance > measurements, statistics, description, log files, ...) then. Is it because > we will need to do so later in another assignment anyway, or? yes, they will be needed in the rest of assignments or in the final one. I will explain this in class the next time, in fact the whole next lecture I wish it could have come before students started working at the assignment but the schedule was not in favour of this. > 5) Is it correctly understood that we are not expected to hand in any kind > of report, but rather let the source code and runtime results speak for > themselves? yes, for assignment 0 from assignment 1 and on you will be also asked to hand in a report.