DM811 - Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization

  1. Terminiolgy: Recognize the specific heuristic that is implemented. Eg: "this doc contains a description of a heuristic used to solve…".
  2. Imprecise description: it lends itself do misunderstanding
  3. LS not well defined: no guidance from evaluation function
  4. Lack of details. How is a certain case handled?
  5. The program terminates before the time limit.
  6. Define an evaluation functin made of one single value.
  7. Scales not alligned in plots
  8. Axis not explained in plots.
  9. Lack of structure in the txt
  10. Sources not cited, corresponds to plagiarism.
  11. Trying to explain rationally the results observed.
  12. Tll the reader what will happen. Eg. if you are giving first a short description and then the algorithmic sketch.
  13. Refer to the figures when discused in the text and put them all at top or bottom, not sparse in the text.
  14. Language problems: use of words that are not from the right context.
  15. Do not write you had not time to do this and that.
  16. Dangling "this".

Date: 2013-10-08T11:14+0200

Author: Marco Chiarandini

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24

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