FF505 - Computational Science - MATLAB Section

This page collects material for the four classes of introduction to Matlab and relative exercises for the training phase and the study phase in groups.


Man, 14-17TL (S9)
TL (S9)
TL (S9)
TL (S9)
Tir, 14-16TE (S9)
TE (S9)
TE (S9)
TE (S9)
Tir, 12-14I (Fælles)
I (Fælles)
I (Fælles)
I (Fælles)
Ons, 08-11TL (S6)
TL (S6)
TL (S6)
TL (S6)
Tor, 14-16TE (S6)
TE (S6)
TE (S6)
TE (S6)
Tor, 09-12TL (S9/S6)
TL (S9/S6)
TL (S9/S6)
TL (S9/S6)
Fre, 12-14I (Fælles)
I (Fælles)
I (Fælles)
I (Fælles)

You can import the schedule in your calendar using the iCalendar file at this URL


DateSlidesResources + References from Matlab Help
107.02.2014MATLAB Overview, Linear Systems[ Getting Started ] [ Accounts ] [ Remote connection ] [ script ]
Getting Started -> Quick Start
214.02.2014More on MatricesGetting Started -> Language Fundamentals
Mathematics -> Linear Algebra
321.02.2014Control Flow, GraphicsGetting Started -> Programming -> Control Flow
Getting Started -> Graphics
User's Guide -> Graphics
428.02.2014Programming: Scripts and Functions[ Car data and bad.m ]
Getting Started -> Programming -> Scripts and Functions
User's Guide -> Data Import and Export




Access to MATLAB:

Matlab tutorials:

For emacs users only: If you plan to run Matlab in emacs, here are matlab.el, and a helpful .emacs file.


William J. Palm III, Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers, 3ed, University of Rhode Island, McGraw-Hill, 2011

Steven J. Leon. Linear Algebra with Applications. Ninth Edition. Prentice Hall

Freeware Alternatives to Matlab


A very versatile programming language. The syntax is diffrerent from Matlab but learning this language may be a very good investment for all future interactions with computers.


A clone of Matlab that uses the same syntax and supports all systems.


A clone of Matlab that uses the same syntax. Available only for Linux.

Date: 2014-04-03T16:32+0200

Author: Marco Chiarandini

Org version 7.9.3f with Emacs version 24

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