The course runs in Fall 2015, in weeks 36-52, from 31st of August to 17th of December
Introductory Classes
Constraint Programming Part
| Date | Topic and Slides | Literature and Assignments |
0 | 26.05 | Presentation | |
1 | 31.08 | Course introduction, Motivations, Discrete Optimization | |
2 | 02.09 | Modeling and Solving CSPs - Overview | [L3] |
3 | 03.09 | Introduction to Gecode | [MPG, Ch 1,2,3,4] |
4 | 07.09 | More on Gecode and examples | |
5 | 09.09 | Yet more examples - Solving CSP, Overview | [MPG, Ch 10] [V3] |
6 | 10.09 | Examples on consistency levels and global constraints | [ C++ Video ] |
7 | 14.09 | Modeling: Global constraints | [HK sc. 7.1-7.2] [MPG, ch 13] [V1 ch 2-4] |
8 | 16.09 | Modeling: Global constraints | |
9 | 17.09 | Class exercises modelling | [S] [ Exercise ] [ code ] [ solution ] [V4] |
10 | 21.09 | Class exercises modelling | [BK ch 1] |
11 | 23.09 | Elements of C++ | [L2] [ Obligatory Assignment 1 ] [ sol, script ] |
12 | 24.09 | Notions of local consistency | [B] |
13 | 28.09 | Constraint Propagation Algorithms for AC | [B] [Ba] |
14 | 30.09 | Further notions of local consistency | [B] [SC] |
15 | 01.10 | Exercises | |
16 | 05.10 | Propagation Events and Gecode Implementation, Exercises | [B] [SC] [MPG ch. 22,23,24,25,26] |
17 | 07.10 | Implementation issues for ObAss-1-1 | |
18 | 08.10 | Propagation Events and Gecode Implementation, Exercises | [B] [SC] [MPG ch. 22] [ Obligatory Assignment 2 ] [ sol] |
| | Autumn break | |
19 | 19.10 | Filtering algorithms for global constraints | [HK] [V1, ch 8] |
20 | 21.10 | More Filtering Algorithms | |
21 | 22.10 | More Filtering Algorithms - filtering algorithms for scheduling | [Hoo sc 3.13, 3.14] |
22 | 26.10 | Search | [Be, ch 4] [SC] [MPG, ch 8,9] [V1, ch 9-10] |
23 | 28.10 | Set Variables | [MPG, ch 5, 6] [V1, ch 6,7] [ Midterm Assignment ] |
24 | 29.10 | Symmetry breaking | [GPP] [V1, ch 5] [ Reexam ] |
Local Search Part
| Date | Topic and Slides | Literature and Assignments |
1 | 09.11 | Satisfiability. | [L5] |
2 | 11.11 | Local Search Introduction | [HM, ch 1,2 (in BB)] |
3 | 12.11 | Local Search Algorithms | [MAK ch 1,2,4] |
4 | 16.11 | Theory of Local Search | [MAK ch 1,2,4] |
5 | 18.11 | Theory of Local Search | [SS] |
6 | 19.11 | Software Installation | Installation, Resources |
7 | 23.11 | Solvers. Practice | [HT (in BB)] |
8 | 25.11 | Instructions | [ Obligatory Assignment 1 ] |
9 | 26.11 | Training | |
10 | 30.11 | Training. Working Environment | |
11 | 02.12 | Exercises (SMTWTP, Steiner, p-median). Efficiency issues | [MAK, ch 3] |
12 | 03.12 | Efficiency issues (TSP) | [Ben] |
13 | 07.12 | Stochastic Local Search and Metaheuristics | [HM] [ Obligatory Assignment 2 ] [ feedback.txt ] |
14 | 10.12 | Experimental analysis | |
15 | 14.12 | Experimental analysis | [L6] [L9] |
16 | 16.12 | Experimental analysis & Evolutionary algorithms | [R (in BB)] [L7, L9, L10] |
17 | 17.12 | Construction heuristics for TSP and CVRP & LS & Metaheuristics & ACO | [BT] [L9] [ Final Assignment ] [ FAQ ] |
| | Very Large-Scale Neighborhood Search | [AROP] [LK] |
| | Algorithm selection | [BSPV] [L12] |
Course Material
No textbook is required. The following books are recommended.
Main books:
- [RBW] F. Rossi, P. van Beek and T. Walsh (ed.), Handbook of Constraint Programming, Elsevier, 2006
- [MPG] C. Schulte, G. Tack, M.Z. Lagerkvist, Modelling and Programming with Gecode 2015
- [Apt] Apt, K. R. Principles of Constraint Programming Cambridge University Press, 2003
- [HM] P.V. Hentenryck and L. Michel. Constraint-Based Local Search. The MIT Press, Cambridge, USA, 2005.
Other references
Chapters and articles:
- [HT] H. Hoos and E. Tsang. Local search methods, chp 5 in [RBW]
- [R] C. Reeves. Genetic Algorithms. Chp. 3 In F. Glover and
G. Kochenberger (eds.). Handbook of Metaheuristics, Kluwer Academic
Publishers, Norwell, MA, USA, 2002, 57, 55-82 (In BlackBoard)
- [BSPV] M. Birattari, T. Stuetzle, L. Paquete, K. Varrentrapp (2002). A racing algorithm for configuring metaheuristics. Proceedings of the
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference (GECCO-2002),
pp. 11-18, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, New York.
- [LK] Lin, S. & Kernighan, B. W. [
/An Effective Heuristic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem/]
Operations Research, 1973, 21, 498-516
- Ordinary exam: During the course there will be mandatory
assignments. The final grade will be given by a weighted average of
the grades received in the assignments.
- Re-exam: it consists of a single project corresponding in size to the
multiple assignments during the course.
Date: 2016-01-04T19:36+0100
Author: marco
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