FF505 - Computational Science - MATLAB Section
IntroductionThis short note aims at introducing you to the computer system of the terminal room at IMADA, where the matlab sessions will take place. IMADA TerminalrumThe computers at IMADA run a version of the Linux operating system called "Ubuntu" with "Unity" as the default desktop manager. It is operated similarly to other Linux distributions, to Mac OS X, and in many ways also to Windows. You find an introduction to the Linux system in the short tutorial linked after this one from the page that brought you here. To set up your account for use in the IMADA terminal room, this is what you have to do.
Starting Matlab
All machines have Matlab R2014a installed. In a Linux/UNIX system, you
start an application by opening a terminal and typing Linux for beginnersYou are now reccommended to go throguh the other tutorial about Matlab. If you are done with that and you want to learn more about Linux, you can use this tutorial:
Play around with the things you learn from the tutorial. To create a new empty file use the command 'touch <filnavn>'. A very important thing is to understand the permission system about your files and directories (see Tutorial 5). You can test whether you set the correct permissions by trying to access the files of each others. Your files are placed in the directory: /home/<brugernavn>/. Bonustip: one can use chmod go-rwx <mappenavn> to set a directory and all its content to be accessible only by its owner. It is your own respnsability that others cannot read your data. By default your data are established as readable by everyone. Therefore, check and change the permissions to your files. Tips & tricks
.bashrc Den skjulte fil .bashrc i din hjemmemappe kan bruges til at indstille strengere tilladelser til nye filer du opretter. Dette kan gøres ved at tilføje linjen umask 066 nederst i filen. Dette gør at filer som standard bliver oprettet med rettighederne: 600 (dvs. du kan selv læse og skrive, men gruppen og andre folk kan intet) (på denne side kan der læses mere om umask, og hvordan en umask sættes.) Færdig? Top nice! Brug resten af tiden på at lege rundt i Linux eller fortsæt evt. med flere tutorials fra linket ovenfor. |