DM841 - Heuristics and Constraint Programming for Discrete Optimization
Obligatory Assignment 2, Fall 2016 [pdf format]

Deadline: 26th October 2016 at 12:00.

Consistency, Propagation, and Search

The following assignment was posed in a written exam by Prof. Pierre Flener for the course on Constraint Programming at Uppsala University.

Consider the following CSP and its labelled constraints:

P:=⟨ X:={v,w,x}; DE:= {D(v)=D(w)=D(x)={1,…,9}}; C :={
Element([2,1,8,2,1,0],v,x    (c)
v + x ≤ 7     (d)
w · w ≤ 5     (e)
Distinct({v,w,x}) }⟩     (f)

We will look at the execution of the constraint propagation for this problem. The algorithm uses propagator conditions (events), status messages and keeps track of variables whose domains have been modified.

The following propagation choices are imposed:

Upon denoting the propagator of constraint C by pC(·), address the following tasks:

  1. Formalize the propagators in a similar way as seen in class:
    pElement(x,DE)=pElement(D)(x)={                            }
  2. In the Constraint-Propag fixpoint algorithm seen in the course (slide 15, lecture “Rules Iteration”) one needs to know when propagators are to be executed. For each constraint C, give (without proof) the set PropConds(·) of conditions that should trigger the scheduling of the propagators of CC , as a strictly tighter CSP might then be obtained. Each propagator condition is of the form ‘Any(α)’, ‘Fixed(α)’, or ‘Min/Max(α)’, where α is a decision variable of C. Write ‘(none)’ rather than nothing, where appropriate. Write the most general condition (eg, Any() is more general than Min/Max()).
    PropConds(c) = {                            }
    PropConds(d) = {                            }
    PropConds(e) = {                            }
    PropConds(f) = {                            }
  3. Using a procedure like the Constraint-Propag fixpoint algorithm, perform the pre-search propagation to compute the fixpoint of the root of the search tree. Fill in the data in a table like Table 1 for the initialisation (in the first row) and every pre-search step of your Constraint-Propag. (The array argument of the Element constraint is indexed from 1, not from 0.) Write the status message of the propagators after their execution as precisely as possible, the options being ‘AtFixpt’, ‘Unknwon’ (short for “not known to be at fixpoint”), ‘Subsumed’ and ‘Failed’. In addition, write the modification event that occurs. The modification event is of the form ‘None(α)’, ‘Failed(α)’, ‘Fixed(α)’, ‘Min/Max(α)’, or ‘Any(α)’, where α is a decision variable of the propagated constraint. Write ‘(none)’ rather than nothing, where appropriate. Finally, write the dependant propagators that are triggered by the events occurred and how the new queue of propagators will look like.
  4. Indicate what changes in your answers to the previous sub-tasks when instead achieving domain consistency for all the constraints. Why? (Note that you are not asked to fill in another table.)

,v,x)   (c),      v + x ≤ 7   (d),      w · w ≤ 5   (e),      Distinct({v,w,x})   (f)
Chosen StatusModificationDependentNon-subsumed FIFO queue Q
prop.Resulting DEmessageevents prop.s DepPropspropagators Rof propagators
(none)v ↦ {},  w ↦ {},  x ↦ {} (none)(none)(none) {} []
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
v ↦ {   },  w ↦ {   },  x ↦ {   }  {      } {       }[       ]
Table 1: Latex source code for this table.

  1. If the pre-search propagation of sub-task 3. has not solved the problem, then draw (below) the search tree with all the solutions, with pairs of non-subsumed propagator sets and domain extensions as nodes, and decisions (which are constraints) as labelled arcs. The previous choices in this task and the following branching heuristics are imposed: Continue to use the table on the previous page when propagating a branching decision or a constraint, and mark there the starting row of each call to Constraint-Propag.

Figure 1: Latex source code for this figure.