DM559/DM545 Assignment 1.2

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Submission deadline:

Tuesday, May 22, 2018 at 23:59

The accomplishment of the following assignment is optional but highly recommended.

The assignment can be carried out individually or in groups of at most two persons. The hand in is in any case individual. Persons working in groups can submit the same report but must state in the front page who are the members of the group. Exchange of solutions between groups is not allowed. However, it is allowed to consult orally with other groups.

You have to hand in a report in PDF format containing your answers. The main part of these answers is the description of the models you have used. A proper format, language and mathematical notation as we have learned in class is expected.

You must compile your answers using the LaTeX template provided in the previous assignment. Those compiling their documents in Word (a choice that is anyway discouraged), should try to stay as close as possible to the template provided. It is very important that you use the structure provided with the clear distinction on the parts of your answers. Math-economy students are used to write a long introduction where they repharse the problem description: this is not needed, it is enough to address directly only the parts outlined.

You must include in the document the source code of the scripts you have implemented. For those using LaTeX an environment for reporting code is made available in the template. The code must be concise and readable! Source code will however not be checked if the description of the models is not clear and understandable. In other terms, the main focus has to be on the description and mathematical model. The submission has to be done at:

Make sure you have written your name in the first page of the report.

Part of this script is taken from the very nice tutorial by Peter Norvig:

Consider the Traveling Salesperson Problem:

Given a set of cities and the distances between each pair of cities, what is the shortest possible tour that visits each city exactly once, and returns to the starting city?

Representing an instance of the problem

The only thing that matters about cities is the distance between them. We will ignore the fully general TSP where distances can be defined in any arbitrary way and concentrate on an important special case, the Euclidean TSP, where the distance between any two cities is the Euclidean distance, the straight-line distance between points in a two-dimensional plane. So a city can be represented by a two-dimensional point: a pair of $x$ and $y$ coordinates in the Cartesian plane. Python already has the two-dimensional point as a built-in numeric data type, but in a non-obvious way: as complex numbers, which inhabit the two-dimensional (real $\times$ imaginary) plane. We will use those but you will not have to care about this aspect as all functions to handle data are made available to you.

We will work with three predetermined, historical instances, dantzig42.dat berlin52.dat bier127.dat, and with randomly generated instances. You can download the three instances from these links: dantzig42.dat, berlin52.dat, bier127.dat. In the file you will find the functions to read the instances from the files and to generate instances at random.
The constructor function City, creates a city object, so that City(300, 0) creates a city with x-coordinate of 300 and y-coordinate of 0. Then, distance(A, B) will be a function that uses the $x$ and $y$ coordinates to compute the distance between cities A and B.

Let's import the files:

from tsputil import *
In [1]:
from gurobipy import *
from collections import OrderedDict

%run ../Models/TSP/python_pub/ 
%matplotlib inline

We can then generate an instance of random points with the function Cities(n,seed). The function returns a frozen set because these are the input data and cannot be modified. We plot the instance with plot_situation. When you generate an instance make sure that you use a seed number different from the one of other groups working at this project.

In [2]:
ran_points = Cities(n=20,seed=25)

Alternatively, we can read the dantiz42.dat instance which represents locations in USA.

In [3]:
dantzig42 = read_instance("dantzig42.dat")

Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson (DFJ) Formulation

Consider the following formulation of the symmetric traveling salesman problem due to Dantzig, Fulkerson and Johnson, 1954 (DFJ) that we have been discussing during the course. Let $V=\{0..n-1\}$ be the set of nodes and $E$ the set of edges. Let $E(S)$ be the set of edges induced by the subset of vertices $S$ and $\delta(v)$ the set of edges in the cut $(v,V\setminus\{v\})$. (We will assume that an edge between two nodes $i$ and $j$ is present in $E$ in the form $ij$ if $j>i$ and $ji$ if $ j < i $.) $$\begin{aligned} \text{(TSPIP)}\quad \min\; & \sum c_{ij} x_{ij} \\ \text{s.t.}\;&\sum_{ij \in \delta(i)} x_{ij}+\sum_{ji \in \delta(i)}x_{ji}=2 \text{ for all } i \in V\\ \label{subtour}&\sum_{ij \in E(S)} x_{ij} \leq |S|-1 \text{ for all } \emptyset \subset S\subset V, 2 \leq |S| \leq n-1\\ &x_{ij} \in \{0,1\} \text{ for all } {ij} \in E\end{aligned}$$

We can generate all subsets of the set of 20 randomly generated cities as follows:

In [4]:
from itertools import chain, combinations
def powerset(iterable):
    "powerset([1,2,3]) --> () (1,) (2,) (3,) (1,2) (1,3) (2,3) (1,2,3)"
    s = list(iterable)
    return chain.from_iterable(combinations(s, r) for r in range(len(s)+1))

subtours = list(powerset(range(len(ran_points))))
# The first element of the list is the empty set and the last element is the full set, hence we remove them.
subtours = subtours[1:(len(subtours)-1)]

Task 1

Implement the DFJ formulation in the model below and solve your random instance:

In [6]:
def solve_tsp(points, subtours=[]):
    V = range(len(points))
    E = [(i,j) for i in V for j in V if i<j]  # complete graph
    E = tuplelist(E)

    m = Model("TSP0")
    m.setParam(GRB.param.Presolve, 0) # no preprocessing
    m.setParam(GRB.param.Method, 0) # -1=automatic, 0=primal simplex, 1=dual simplex, 2=barrier, 3=concurrent, 4=deterministic concurrent. 
    ######### BEGIN: Write here your model for Task 1
    ######### END
    if m.status == GRB.status.OPTIMAL:
        print('The optimal objective is %g' % m.objVal)
        m.write("tsplp.sol") # write the solution    
        return {(i,j) : x[i,j].x for i,j in x}
        print("Something wrong in solve_tsplp")

If we try to solve the small instance on 20 cities with this model, ie:

solve_tsp(ran_points, subtours)

we get out of memory (you can be more lucky but if so try increasing your instance with a few more cities).

A Cutting Plane Approach

The number of subtour elimination constraints in the DFJ formulation can be huge ($2^n$) and even though we can remove half of those due to symmetries, there are still exponentially many. A way to deal with large families of constraints is to introduce them only when needed. This idea is similar to the cutting plane algorithm that we saw in the intro classes. We start by solving the relaxed version of (TSPIP) obtained by removing the integrality constraints and the exponentially many subtour elimination constraints. We dub this relaxation TSPLP$_0$. Let $x^*$ be the optimal solution of TSPLP$_0$.

Task 2

Implement the new function solve_tsp(points, subtours=[]) that solves the relaxed version TSPLP$_0$ and solve your random instance with 20 points. Inspect the plot of the solution obtained.

tsplp0 = solve_tsp(ran_points, [])
plot_situation(ran_points, tsplp0)

Describe what you observe. Are all variables integer? Is the matrix TUM? Why? Is the solution a tour? Is the solution matching your expectations?

Task 3

Detect by visual inspection some subtour inequalities to add to TSPLP0. List those subtours in the subtour argument of the function solve_tsp and solve the new problem TSPLP$_1$=TSPLP$_0 \cup c$, where $c$ is the constraint added. Report the visualization produced by plot_situation on the new solution. Is it a tour? If not iterate this procedure until you cannot find anymore subtours. Show your last solution and comment on it.

Task 4

We can automatize the manual process described above. Let $V'=V\setminus\{0\}$ and $E'=E\setminus\{\delta(0)\}$. A set $S\subseteq V'$ that contains a vertex $k$ forms a subtour in $x^*$ if $$\sum_{e=ij \in E'(S)} x_e^* > |S \setminus \{k\} |=|S|-1.$$

We can find the subtour elimination constraint that is most violated by $x^*$ by solving the following separation problem for $k=\{1..n-1\}$. Let’s represent the unknown set $S \subseteq V'$ by binary variables $z$ with $z_i=1$ if $i \in S$ then the separation problem for $k=\{1..n-1\}$ is

$$ (SEP) \quad \xi_k=\max \left\{ \sum_{e=ij\in E':i < j} x^*_e z_i z_j - \sum_{i \in V' \setminus \{k\}} z_i : z \in \mathbb{B}^n, z_k=1\right\} $$

If $ \xi_k > 0 $ for some $k$ then the solution $z^*$ of SEP gives a subtour $S$, containing $k$, whose corresponding subtour elimination constraint in TSPIP is violated by $x^*$. We insert this constraint in TSPLP$_0$ and solve the new problem TSPLP$_1$.

Rewrite the (SEP) problem for some $k$ as an integer linear program and report the mathematical model in your answers.

Task 5

Implement your model in the function solve_separation(points, x_star, k) below and solve the LP relaxation of the (SEP) problem to separate the optimal solution $x^*$ of TSPLP$_0$.

In [7]:
def solve_separation(points, x_star, k):
    V = range(len(points))
    Vprime = range(1,len(points))
    E = [(i,j) for i in V for j in V if i<j]
    Eprime = [(i,j) for i in Vprime for j in Vprime if i<j]
    E = tuplelist(E)
    Eprime = tuplelist(Eprime)

    m = Model("SEP")
    ######### BEGIN: Write here your model for Task 4

    ######### END
    if m.status == GRB.status.OPTIMAL:
        print('Separation problem solved for k=%d, solution value %g' % (k,m.objVal))
        m.write("sep.sol") # write the solution    
        subtour = filter(lambda i: z[i].x>=0.99,z)
        return m.objVal, subtour
        print("Something wrong in solve_tsplp")

Try your implementation of solve_separation on your previous TSPLP$_0$ solution. Do you get the expected answer?

Task 6

The following procedure cutting_plane_alg implements the cutting plane algorithm that uses your implementation of solve_tsp and solve_separation. Finish the implementation of the function. That is: add the condition for the presence of violated inequalities.

In [9]:
def cutting_plane_alg(points):
    Vprime = range(1,len(points))
    subtours = []
    found = True
    while found:
        lpsol = solve_tsp(points,subtours)
        plot_situation(points, lpsol)
        found = False
        tmp_subtours = []
        best_val = float('-inf')
        for k in Vprime:
            value, subtour = solve_separation(points,lpsol,k)
            best_val = value if value > best_val else best_val
            ######### BEGIN: write here the condition. Include a tollerance
            if False: 
            ######### END
                found = True
                tmp_subtours += [subtour]
        subtours += tmp_subtours
        print("********** Subtours found: ",tmp_subtours," with best value : ",best_val)
    plot_situation(points, lpsol)

Run the cutting plane algorithm thus implemented until termination. Report the plot of the last solution found by solving the TSPLP$_n$ problem, where $n$ is the number of iterations in which violated inequalities were found. Is the solution optimal?

Task 7 (Optional)

Reflecting upon the process implemented you may wonder whether we are gaining anything in efficiency. After all we circumvented having to solve the original integer programming formulation of the TSP by having to solve many separation problems, which are in principle all integer programming problems and hence possibly hard to solve. It turns out that the SEP problems are actually solvable efficiently. In task 5, you were given the tip to implement the LP relaxation of the SEP problem. Why are the solutions to SEP always integer? It turns out that the SEP corresponds to one problem treated during the course. Which one? In efficient implementations the SEP problem is solved by specialized algorithms for this problem. [Hint: It may help to consider the other way to formulate subtour elimination constraints, that is, cut-set constraints.]

Task 8 (Optional)

In task 6, you run the cutting plane algorithm until no cutting plane can be found anymore. Is this cutting plane algorithm enough to solve your instance to optimality? What about the general case on any arbitrary instance? Write your considerations and conclusions. [Hint: try the whole procedure on the instances dantzig42.dat and dantzig42.dat to see what happens in the general case. Report the final plots on these instance.]

Task 9

Provide the length of the optimal tour of your problem on 20 nodes.

Task 10 (Optional)

Implement the Miller, Tucker and Zemlin (MTZ) formulation from Ex. 7 Sheet 7. Compare the results of the DFJ (that is the name of our previous TSP formulation from the authors Dantzig, Fulkerson, Johnson) and MTZ formulations first on your instance on 20 nodes and then on the instances berlin52.dat and dantzig42. In both formulations keep the integrality constraints of the main variables so that an optimal solution can be found. Comment the results in your answers: which is the fastest formulation to solve the problem? How many branch and bound nodes are needed in the MTZ formulation to find the optimal solution?

Compare then the results on the instance berlin52.dat. Comment the results in your answers: can the MTZ solve the problem? Which of the two formulations provides the best LP relaxation?

Compare the DFJ and MTZ formulations on the basis of the quality of their linear relaxations on the instance dantzig42.

Already an instance on 127 vertices is challenging for our implementation. Try your cutting plane procedure on the instance bier127.dat, which asks to find the shortest tour among the 127 biergardens in Augsburg, Bavaria. You will have to comment the line for plotting at each iteration, since it is inefficient. Moreover it might be convenient not to wait for all $k$s to be evaluated but to insert a cut as soon as one is found.

Experiment ideas to solve the instance. For example, try combining the cutting plane procedure with integrality constraints in the DFJ formulation or combine the two formulations DFJ and MTZ.