DMP87 - Scheduling, Timetabling and Routing
Weekly Notes
Lecture 15, Fall 2008

Lecture March 31

We finished dealing with educational timetabling describing a hybrid heuristic approach for a specific course timetabling problem (Slides of Lecture 14).

We then treated Sports Timetabling:

This part is covered in the slides, in the text book on Chapter 10 through page 243 and in the following text, available from the section Documents of the Blackboard (this is not a compulsory reading):

Kelly Easton and George Nemhauser and Michael Trick, Sport Scheduling, in Handbook of Scheduling: Algorithms, Models, and Performance Analysis, J.Y-T. Leung (Ed.), Computer & Information Science Series, Chapman & Hall/CRC, 2004.

The next time we will treat Transportation Scheduling which is covered in Chapter 11 through page 279 of the textbook:

Marco Chiarandini 2008-03-31