DMP87 - Scheduling, Timetabling and Routing
Weekly Notes
Lecture 16, Fall 2008

Lecture April 3

We finished treating Sports Timetabling with a description of the Traveling Tournament Problem (slides and Chapter by Easton Nemhauser and Trick, facultative reading).

We treated Transportation Timetabling which is covered in Chapter 11 through page 279 of the textbook:

The first tow cases are examples of application of set covering, packing and partitioning models and use of branch and bound, local branching and column generation.

The schedule for the last 4 lectures has changed as follows:

The syllabus and study plan for the preparation of the oral exam have been made available, both in preliminary versions, from the course web page.

The next lecture we will treat Workforce Scheduling from Chapter 12 of the text book.

Annotated Bibliography on Educational Timetabling

Marco Chiarandini 2008-04-03