DMP87 - Scheduling, Timetabling and Routing
Weekly Notes
Lecture 17, Fall 2008

Lecture April 7

We finished treating the case of Train Timetabling (sec. 11.4 of the text book).

We then discussed Workforce Scheduling:

Next Time, Wednesday 14:00 - 15:45 in room U25.

We will treat Vehicle Routing Problems. Material Chapter 1 and first part of Chapter 5 from the book by Toth and Vigo. Photocopies available from the Blackboard.

Annotated Bibliography on Workforce Scheduling

The list of references below is not included in the exam syllabus (pensum). It is only meant at those who want to deepen and enlarge the knowledge on the subject treated in the lecture.

Marco Chiarandini 2008-04-07