DMP87 - Scheduling, Timetabling and Routing
Weekly Notes
Lecture 7, Fall 2008

Lecture February 18

We treated the following topics:

The next lecture we treat dispatching rules and single machine models. Reading material are section C.2 and C.3 (pp. 414 - 420) of the text book and the photocopies available from the Document section of the Black Board.


To learn more about Constraint Programming a good starting point are the slides by Marco Kuhlmann and Guido Tack for their course at the Saarland University or the slides by Christian Schulte for an introductory lecture at ITU.

The following books and articles are also good for an introduction:

Non-mandatory Assignments

Exercise 1

Formulate the RCPSP, treated in the practical exercise in class, as a time-indexed integer program. Compare your formulation with the one given in Section 4.6 of the text book. Does the linear relaxation produce an integer solution?

Exercise 2

Show how single machine scheduling, parallel machine scheduling and shop scheduling can be modeled by the RCPSP model.

Exercise 3

Implement the RCPSP model that we developed for MiniZinc at the lecture for the Gecode/J interface. In order to understand how to implement the model in java you may consult the following documentation, in this order:

Marco Chiarandini 2008-02-18