DM204 – Scheduling, Timetabling, Routing
Study Plan for the Oral Exam, Fall 2010 [pdf format]

This is the list of questions that can be posed at the oral exam.

The exam will last 40 minutes and the questions will be extracted randomly from the list. It is allowed to bring hand written notes but not course material (slides, textbook, articles). The notes will lay on the table and can be consulted if needed. At each question there are 2-3 minutes to prepare the answer. Refinement questions on the topics presented should be expected.

  1. Present and explain your best learning matching the goals of the course. You have a maximum of 10 minutes to address this question. The item can be chosen from the list below but it is possible to show creativity going out of the list (for example, by following a topic and developing it transversely to the arguments in the list).
  2. Scheduling problems. Discuss:
  3. Single and parallel machine scheduling problem. Define and discuss one of the cases below:
  4. Flow shop scheduling problem. Define it and describe the digraph representation and the procedure for obtaining the makespan from a permutation of jobs when changes at machines are not allowed. Moreover, choose and treat one of the cases below:
  5. Job shop scheduling problem. Define it and describe the disjunctive graph model, the alternative graph model and one of the following:
  6. Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem. Define it and describe the solution approach with heuristic methods, preprocessing, solution representation, neighborhoods, solution generation schemes.
  7. Timetabling and coloring models. Discuss one of the following
  8. Workforce timetabling. Discuss one of the following:
  9. Capacitated Vehicle routing problem. Define it and discuss different mathematical programming models by stating variables and constraints.
  10. Branch and Price for VRPTW. Describe the mathematical model, the decomposition, the master and the subproblems and the overall branch and price procedure
  11. Heuristics for VRP. Treat one of the following: