DM204 – Scheduling, Timetabling, Routing
Assignment Sheet 3, Fall 2010 [pdf format]

Prepare for discussion in class at 10.00 of Wednesday, March 10 and of Wednesday, March 17.

Exercise 1

Consider the Sport Scheduling problem of Exercise 2, Sheet 2.

Using Comet™:

Exercise 2

Given the data below consider the following 4 problems

The first case is not NP-hard and you may think about a polytime algorithm to solve it. For the other cases, make a Comet™ implementation of a CP solver. (To learn how to implement scheduling problems in Comet™ read chapter 14 of the Manual and look at the examples examples/cp/ and examples/visu/ You need to use Scheduler<CP>,Activity<CP>, UnaryResource<CP>.)

int n_jobs = 7; range Jobs = 1..n_jobs; int n_machines = 1; range Machines = 1..n_machines; int job_duration[Jobs] = [6,18,12,10,10,17,16]; int job_release_date[Jobs] = [0,0,0,14,25,25,50]; int job_due_date[Jobs] = [8,42,44,24,90,85,68]; //precedences: 2 -> 1 -> 4 // 6 -> 7 tuple pair{int a; int b;} set{pair} precedences={pair(2,1), pair(1,4), pair(6,7)}; // alternative format: // (i,j) = 1 => i->j // (i,j) = -1 => i<-j int precedes[Jobs,Jobs] = [[ 0,-1,0,1,0,0,0 ], [1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ], [-1,0,0,0,0,0,0 ], [0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ], [0,0,0,0,0,0,1 ], [0,0,0,0,0,-1,0 ] ];

Exercise 3

Consider 1||∑j wj Tj.

Implement in Comet™ two basic local search procedures using the swap and the interchange neighborhoods.

Start experimenting your program on this small instance:

import cotls; int n_jobs; range Jobs; n_jobs=6; Jobs=1..6; int duration[Jobs] = [8,10,5,13,16,15]; int weights[Jobs] = [9,5,2,8,9,6]; int due_date[Jobs] = [30, 25,50,30,20,45];

Afterwards try your program on a more challenging instance. In order to read the instance download this script and substitute the initial part above with

import cotls; int n_jobs; range Jobs; int []weights; int []duration; //int []release; int []due_date; include "load-wt";

(Hint: You may need the following)

Solver<LS> m(); // Invariants var{int} pos[Jobs](m,Jobs); // Set of predecessor var{set{int}} pre[i in Jobs](m) <- setof(j in Jobs) ( pos[j] < pos[i] ); // Gives start time of job j var{int} start_time[i in Jobs](m) <- sum(j in pre[i]) duration[j]; m.close();