Introduction to Computer Science


The last assignment will be due at 10:00 on Monday, December 20. There will be no lecture or discussion section December 20 or December 21.

The textbook:

Computer Science: An Overview, 8th Edition, by J. Glenn Brookshear, 2005.
There is a homepage for the textbook, including the simulator.
A list of errata for the textbook can be found here.
The textbook will be supplemented with notes.

Notes and code for Brian Vinter's lecture and exercises (includes the exercises)

  1. Notes and exercises.
  2. Manual for OfficeGRID.
  3. Tar file for code. This can be opened to create 3 directories containing code, by downloading the file and giving the command "tar -xvvf prototeins.tar".
  4. An ealier version of the notes and exercises, containing links to code: The exercises on protein folding related to Brian Vinter's lecture from 2003 are supplemented by an article on American Scientist's Web pages. Exam There will be no exam at the end of the course; instead there are mandatory assignments, of which at least 8 must be completed well and on time in order to pass the course.

    Weekly notes

    1. Note 1 (also in PDF).
    2. Note 2 (also in PDF).
    3. Note 3 (also in PDF).
    4. Note 4 (also in PDF).
    5. Note 5 (also in PDF).
    6. Note 6 (also in PDF).
    7. Note 7 (also in PDF).
    8. Note 8 (also in PDF).
    9. Note 9 (also in PDF).
    10. Note 10 (also in PDF).
    11. Note 11 (also in PDF).
    12. Note 12 (also in PDF).
    13. Note 13 (also in PDF).
    14. Note 14 (also in PDF).


    • Your Java course's home page.
    • Your MAT A course's home page.
    • Descriptions of NISLab courses are here.
    • Link to a sorting simulator in "The Complete Collection of Algorithm Animations" from Hope College.
    • For an introduction to cryptography, you can read How PGP works. Explanation for PGP, from PGP's homepage.

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    Last modified: December 13, 2004. - Joan Boyar <>


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