1. [Yair Bartal] Suggest a novel online problem, preferably from your own personal field of interest. Formalize it as well as you can and propose at least two online algorithms for it. If possible, analyse the competitive ratio of these algorithms, and indicate whether (and why) you can expect your algorithm to achieve the best possible ratio (or close). Otherwise, say as much as you can about the problem, e.g., what special cases of the problem are easy to understand and under what conditions. 2. Give an implementation of the TIMESTAMP algorithm. Do you need one, two, or more time stamps per element? Can you somehow restrict the number of bits needed for representing a time stamp? 3. [Exercise 2.3] Modify the BIT algorithm so that it will also work for the dynamic list model. 4. Make a library/Internet search to find out what is known about the optimal offline algorithm for the list accessing problem. Especially, I am interested in the running time of the optimal offline algorithm when the request sequence is given. 5. Recall that in the ski rental problem there are T days of skiing (T is unknown in advance). At the beginning of each day one has to decide whether to rent skiing equipment at cost of 1 or buy at a cost of B (and then stop renting). Propose randomized online strategies for this problem. What can you say about the competitive ratio of your algorithms?