DM825 - Introduction to Machine Learning
Sheet 8, Spring 2011 [pdf format]

Exercise 1 Bayesian Networks – Inference.

Figure  shows a graphical model with conditional probabilities tables about whether or not you will panic at an exam based on whether or not the course was boring (“B”), which was the key factor you used to decide whether or not to attend lectures (“A”) and revise doing the exercises after each lecture (“R”).

You should use the model to make exact inference and answer the following queries:

Repeat the inference in the last two queries by means of stochastic inference implementing in R the Prior-Sample, Rejection-Sampling, Likelihood-weighting and Gibbs-Sampling Markov Chain Monte Carlo.

[ place/.style=ellipse,draw=black!50,fill=black!20,thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum size=1cm, pre/.style=<-,shorten <=1pt,>=angle 60,semithick, post/.style=->,shorten >=1pt,>=stealth’,semithick, transition/.style=rectangle,draw=black!100,fill=black!20,thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3mm] [place] (b) at (1,4) B; [place] (r) at (0,2) R edge [pre] (b); [place] (a) at (2,2) A edge [pre] (b); [place] (p) at (1,0) P edge [pre] (r) edge [pre] (a); [left,minimum height=2cm, minimum width=2cm] (b2) at (b.west) ; [left,minimum height=2cm, minimum width=2cm] (r2) at (r.west) ; [right,minimum height=2cm, minimum width=2cm] (a2) at (a.east) ; [left,minimum height=2cm, minimum width=2cm] (p2) at (p.west) ;
Figure 1: The graphical model of exercise 1. Lower-case letter indicate the outcome that the upper-case letter can take.

Exercise 2 Directed Graphical Models Consider the graph in Figure left.

[ place/.style=ellipse,draw=black!50,fill=white,thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum size=0.5cm, placeb/.style=ellipse,draw=black!50,fill=black!20,thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum size=0.5cm, pre/.style=<-,shorten <=1pt,>=angle 60,semithick, post/.style=->,shorten >=1pt,>=stealth’,semithick, transition/.style=rectangle,draw=black!100,fill=black!20,thick, inner sep=0pt,minimum size=3mm] [place] (1) at (0,2) 1; [placeb] (2) at (0.5,1) 2; [place] (7) at (2.5,2) 7; [place] (8) at (4,2) 8; [place] (6) at (1,2) 6 edge [pre] (1) edge [pre] (2); [place] (10) at (1,0) 10 edge [pre] (2); [place] (4) at (1.5,1) 4 edge [pre] (6) edge [pre] (2) edge [pre] (7); [place] (3) at (2,0) 3 edge [pre] (10); [placeb] (9) at (2.5,1) 9 edge [pre] (7) edge [pre] (8) edge [pre] (3); [place] (5) at (3,0) 5 edge [pre] (9);
Figure 2: A directed graph.