- The Accommodating Function: a generalization of the competitive ratio.
- Joan Boyar, Kim S. Larsen, and Morten N. Nielsen.
SIAM Journal on Computing, 31(1): 233-258, 2001.
The accommodating functions for three specific on-line problems are investigated: a variant of bin-packing in which the goal is to maximize the number of items put in n bins, the Seat Reservation Problem, and the problem of optimizing total flow time when preemption is allowed.
We also show that when trying to distinguish between two algorithms, the decision as to which one performs better cannot necessarily be made from the competitive ratio or the competitive ratio on accommodating sequences alone. For the variant of bin-packing considered, we show that Worst-Fit has a strictly better competitive ratio than First-Fit, while First-Fit has a strictly better competitive ratio on accommodating sequences than Worst-Fit.
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