- Advice Complexity of Adaptive Priority Algorithms.
- Joan Boyar, Kim S. Larsen, and Denis Pankratov.
Theoretical Computer Science, 984(114318):1-31, 2024.
As evidence that adding advice to adaptive priority algorithms extends both adaptive priority algorithms and online algorithms with advice, we present a purely combinatorial adaptive priority algorithm with advice for Minimum Vertex Cover on triangle-free graphs of maximum degree three. Our algorithm achieves optimality and uses at most 7n/22 bits of advice. No adaptive priority algorithm without advice can achieve optimality without advice, and we prove that an online algorithm with advice needs more than 7n/22 bits of advice to reach optimality.
We show connections between exact algorithms and priority algorithms with advice. The branching in branch-and-reduce algorithms can be seen as trying all possible advice strings, and all priority algorithms with advice that achieve optimality define corresponding exact algorithms, priority exact algorithms. Lower bounds on advice-based adaptive algorithms imply lower bounds on running times of exact algorithms designed in this way.
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