- Relaxed Balance for Search Trees with Local Rebalancing.
- Kim S. Larsen, Thomas Ottmann, and Eljas Soisalon-Soininen.
Acta Informatica, 37(10): 743-763, 2001.
Search trees with relaxed balance have been obtained by adapting standard sequential search trees to this new paradigm; clearly using similar techniques in each case, but no general result has been obtained. We show how any search tree with local bottom-up rebalancing can be used in a relaxed variant, preserving the complexity of the rebalancing from the sequential case. Additionally, we single out the one high level locking mechanism that a parallel implementation must provide in order to guarantee consistency.
Though the ideas have come from search trees, the result presented here applies to tree structures in general, where operations initiated at the leaves progress towards the root in constant-sized steps.
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