DM841 (E21) - Heuristics and Constraint Programming for Discrete Optimization

Obligatory Assignment 5


  • This is the second of two assignments on discrete optimization that will be used to determine your final grade. The assignment will be graded with external censorship. The final grade for the course will be an overall assessment of the two assignments starting from the arithmetic average.

  • The assignment has to be carried out individually. Communication for feedback and inspiration with peers is allowed but it should be kept to a minimum. In case, you are welcome to ask to the teacher.

  • The submission is electronic via

  • Deadline: January 17, 2022, at 12:00

  • You have to submit:

    • a PDF document containing max 10 pages of description of the heuristic algorithms you have designed and implemented and the results you have obtained on the data sets available.

    • source code of your implementations in python

  • The submission procedure is via as for the other assignments in this course (see Assignment 1 for details). The structure of your repository is listed below:

|-	asg5
│  	├── data
│      │   ├── dir1
│  	│   └── dir2
│  	├── src
│  	└── tex
The report must be in pdf format inside `tex`.
  • You have to treat one of the following two cases with the corresponding tasks.


A. Vehicle Routing

B. Exam Timetabling