Python Interface to the SCIP Optimization Suite
GenExpr Class Reference

Public Member Functions

def degree (self)
def getOp (self)

Detailed Description

General expressions of variables with operator overloading.

 - this expressions are not smart enough to identify equal terms
 - in constrast to polynomial expressions, __getitem__ is not implemented
 so expr[x] will generate an error instead of returning the coefficient of x

Definition at line 420 of file expr.pxi.

Member Function Documentation

def degree (   self)
Note: none of these expressions should be polynomial

Definition at line 597 of file expr.pxi.

def getOp (   self)
returns operator of GenExpr

Definition at line 601 of file expr.pxi.

References SCIP_Expr.op, SCIP_ExprGraphNode.op, SumExpr.op, ProdExpr.op, VarExpr.op, PowExpr.op, UnaryExpr.op, and Constant.op.

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