Week 07


The course book Database Systems: The Complete Book was shipped from the US on January 29. It should arrive during next week. Unfortunately, there is no e-book version.

I have started to circulate more copies (come to my office or to Monday's lecture). This should give you all the material needed for this week.

Lecture Monday (09.02.2009)

The third lecture will repeat basic SQL queries and then continue on subqueries. The syntax for natural and for theta joins will be introduced. Then we take a look at extensions to relational algebra and their SQL counterparts, most notably sorting, aggregation, and grouping. We finish by introducing the SQL commands for insertion, deletion, and updating of table rows.


SQL as a query language, extended relational algebra, SQL as a data modification language


Chapter 5.2, Chapters 6.1-6.5

Exercise Wednesday (11.02.2009)

Exercises 2.4.[1,5,7,8], Exercises 5.1.[1,5], Exercises 5.2.[2,3], Exercises 6.1.[3,5], Exercises 6.2.[2,4,5]

Exercise Thursday (12.02.2009)

Exercises 6.3.[1,3,4,7,8,11], Exercises 6.4.[2,3,6,9], Exercise 6.5.1

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